March 18, 2006

USB Art via Core77
  • Hahaha, oh man, totally awesome. /nerd
  • Those "eternal love" rings are destined to lead to some serious geek-breedage.
  • These are fantastic!
  • i WANT the "Delete" trashbin.
  • what's more significant - what we see or what it means? object or context...? dualing match look: the world's on fire and who's burning down the hows in your head
  • the bra is pretty cute
  • That bra is the bestest invention for horny, fumbly nerds ever *cough*. If one can't unplug that, well...
  • That bra is the bestest invention for horny, fumbly nerds ever *cough*. If one can't unplug that, well... Well, you gotta have the right driver.
  • In short, working your mouse isn't the only thing you should be able to do left-handed. Good stuff, quid.
  • Actually the memory box might be prophetic. Better than big bulky album books, and you can just bring the latest home photos to the next little dinner party, and plug it into the host's digital entertainment system.
  • I am so going to make myself a braided cat5e belt. It'll nicely replace the piece of rope I've been using... And oh my that tin-can phone... I am agog. Nice find, quid.
  • I would totally buy one a' them ties if I could.. Making one? Hmm.. I dunno.
  • I like the Data Injection. I've been thinking of installing a USB port on my cat so that we can more easily upload her meds. Lovely site.
  • You know you'd be storing pr0n on your cat. Don't lie.