March 15, 2006

A beef with St. Paddy's? Some Catholic bishops are lifting the no-meat-on-Friday rule, to allow for the consumption of Corned Beef on St. Paddy's Day (although it's debatable whether Corned Beef is actually 'meat', rather than 'meat product'). Aah, if only they'd done this in time to save the teeth-curling splendour of the Shamrock Shake.
  • Is the restriction also lifted for vegetarians? hehe. Just kidding. bleah. Gimme a Hula Burger.
  • A friend was driving thru texas, one? or several? years ago, and called to tell me he was drinking a shamrock shake, on St.P's day, and thinking of me, cause friday is mah birfday!! woo-hoo.... I'm going to eat meat, wear green and get drunk, but I am not sure I'd drink that shake even if I could, cause they kinda scare me...
  • This reminds me of the story of how Jesuit missionaries in early Canada declared that the beaver was a fish, to allow settlers and trappers to eat them on Friday. Let the innuendos about eating bevaer commence...
  • Enjoy the dispensation but stay away from the green corned beef.
  • Beaver, fortunately, is on the vegetarian menu.
  • mmmm did someone say beerver?
  • Why are you always putting up FPP's that make fun of the Irish? And McDonald's products?
  • Whaa..? McCartney is neither Irish, nor associated with McDonald's in any way.
  • Shamrock Shakes® are teh gross. I dunno - isn't this like asking for a temporary lift on the contraceptive ban, 'cause you happen to have gotten a date with the hot, easy chick and you'd really, really like to sleep with her, just this once?
  • This reminds me of the story of how Jesuit missionaries in early Canada declared that the beaver was a fish, to allow settlers and trappers to eat them on Friday. See also the 'mountain whale' of Japan: Compared to other high-income countries, Japanese people are not large consumers of meat in general and beef in particular. For much of its documented history, the Buddist code of non-violence towards four-legged animals maintained a ban on the consumption of meat from cows, horses and monkeys. However, meat was still eaten despite this ban. For example, boar and deer were eaten as medicinal preparation to ensure long life. Deer were known as yama kujira (mountain whale). Richie (1992, p.49) points out that "since the whale was thought to be a fish and since Buddist prophets said little about consuming them, one might safely consume these creatures".
  • I am going to tastefully refrain from commenting on TDM's post. But you know I want to.
  • see also: The Barnacle Goose under the 'Mythology' heading...
  • Get over it. Justify your wanton desire to eat beerver however you please. "Nice beerver!"
  • McCartney is neither Irish, nor associated with McDonald's in any way. Point of order: Paul claims Irish heritage on both sides of his family, and also.
  • mmm beerver i'm gittin' hungry :D
  • Let the innuendos about eating bevaer commence... ?
  • They don't make Shamrock Shakes anymore? Oh no. I think I killed them by not buying them every year. What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE? RIP milky mint goodness...
  • > declared the beaver was a fish this was fairly normal. historically, the "no meat" rule was loosely interpreted so that anything that swam could be considered "fish", aquatic birds included. this was partly in reaction to the growth in the number of meat-free days; at one point meat was forbidden two days a week and all of lent, totalling over 130 days of the year.
  • I'm gettin' sick of seein' this thread at the top here, why the fuck doesn't anyone post anything without the Irish in it?
  • I didn't post that! help! help!
  • *quietly grabs shillelagh*
  • *breaks out Father Ted DVD's*
  • *uses secret incantation to invoke the eleven leprechauns of confusion*
  • *cracks open Bushmills for his twenty-to-ten pick-me-upper*
  • *secretly agrees with Chyren*
  • From the second link: "green dairy-like treat" *shudder*
  • didn't know there was anything 'dairy like' about a mcd's shake....
  • more xanthan gum-based-like really.
  • McD's shakes USED to be made with ice cream! You would get a chocolate shake and an order of fries (fried in beef fat!) and you would SIT IN YOUR CAR AND EAT THEM AND BE SO HAPPY
  • Lies! False memories! McD's has always only had gum-based ingredients for all food items! It was just back then you were so hopped up on sugar and salt you thought it was fun.
  • and the french fries were very good dipped in a chocolate shake... ugh..I am actually craving fast food now, gross!
  • Mmmmmm, shakefries! I used to jam the pointy ends of the fries into the top of the burger like birthday candles.
  • dammit!>
  • ║so, st patrick  ║                ║                ║ ║drove the snakes║                ║ must've taken  ║ ║ out of ireland?║                ║ the ferry...   ║ ║    /           ║                ║    \           ║  ║       =====    ║       =====    ║       =====    ║ ║ """   |O─O|    ║ """   |O─O|    ║ """   |O─O|    ║ ║|0 0|  ` │ ´    ║|0 0|  ` │ ´    ║|0 0|  ` │ ´    ║         ║` └ ´  ` └ ´    ║` └ ´  ` └ ´    ║` └ ´  ` └ ´    ║ ║ \-/ \/ \═/ \   ║ \-/ \/ ╔═╗ \   ║ \-/ \/ \═/ \   ║ ║  ¯   |  ¯   |  ║  ¯   | ▐█▌  |  ║  ¯   |  ¯   |  ║ ║ __________| |  ║ _______▐█\/ |  ║ __________| |  ║ ║/╔═╗   ╔═╗ \/   ║/╔═╗     \__/   ║/╔═╗   ╔═╗ \/   ║ ║ ▐█▌   ▐█▌  \   ║ ▐█▌        \   ║ ▐█▌   ║ ║  \   ║ ║ ▐█▌   ▐█▌   \  ║ ▐█▌         \  ║ ▐█▌   ▐█▌   \  ║ ║______________\ ║______________\ ║______________\ ║
  • ))), roryk!!!
  • Well done! I assume it's Medusa's birthday present..? *nudge nudge*
  • Wow, that's amazing, roryk. Once again, you've outdone yourself.
  • ASCII and ye shall receive...
  • I'm glad the mood here has gotten more HTMLow.
  • ╔═════════════════╦═════════════════╗ ║ oh yes, and a   ║                 ║ ║  happy birthday ║   go n'eiri     ║ ║   to medusa     ║     leat        ║ ║     /           ║    /    \       ║ ║        =====    ║        =====    ║ ║  """   `O─O´    ║  """   `O─O´    ║ ║ |0 0|  | │ |    ║ |0 0|  | │ |    ║ ║ ` └ ´  ` └ ´    ║ ` └ ´  ` └ ´    ║ ║/ \-/ \/ \═/ \   ║/ \-/ \/ ┌─┐ \   ║ ║   ¯   |  ¯   |  ║  ┌─┐  | ▐█▌  |  ║ ║  __________| |  ║ \▐█▌____▐█\/ |  ║ ║ /┌─┐   ┌─┐ \/   ║\ _█▌     \__/   ║ ║/ ▐█▌   ▐█▌  \   ║/¯           \   ║ ║  ▐█▌   ▐█▌   \  ║              \  ║ ╚═════════════════╩═════════════════╝
  • )))))))!
  • wow!!! that present is even cooler than the sexy lingerie I got yesterday (and no, I'm not posting pics you perverts so don't ask!!) thank you for the birthday wishes! me love me monkeys :)
  • *quaffs a pint to roryk!* Quaffs a second to Medusa! Quaffs a third to . . umm . *hic* . . oh . . Chy! *hic*
  • Yay roryk! and Happy Birthday Medusa! Beannachtam na Feile Padraig Monkeys!
  • Eeeey-yeeww! Happy birthday, Medusa.
  • I am sure you will all be happy to hear that I am hung over. I had a very nice bday evening. I bought myself a pair of very sexy shoes, got some BlacknGreen's chawkletbars, a really cool Bettie Page book (thanks ooga-booga!) and the best: ultra-snappy Bitch lipbalm (with 20% more lip!) now back to my regularly scheduled program of pain killers, baileys n cawfee, pelligrino and bad movies....oh yeah!