March 14, 2006

It's Pi Day! That's right, because of the quirks of the calendar, today, 3/14, is Pi Day! Geddit? Though I guess to be totally accurate, it should have happened once, in 1592. (3.141592...) Anyway, you can brighten your friends' day with Pi day songs, send Pi day greeting cards, make fun Pi jewelry, have pi recitations and pi(e)-eating contests and generally do any number of things that will ensure your continued celibacy. Hooray for Pi! Whoohoo!

So how do you plan to celebrate? Me, I'm writing Kate Bush a sternly worded letter.

  • OK, now I get it. One of our student workers brought me a piece of Oreo cream pie this morning. She said, "It's pie day. You know, March 14." I thought it was just her little joke, thanked her, and ate the pie. Never has being clueless been so delicious.
  • Twat. It's 14/3.
  • this is irrational.
  • How I wish I could recollect pi easily...
  • Now I, even I, would celebrate In rhymes unapt the great Immortal Syracusan, rivaled nevermore, Who in his wondrous lore, Passed on before, Left men his guidance how, To circles mensurate. (Mnemonic for Pi) Skrik is right, of course, which makes this - American Pi day?
  • ♪ A long, long time ago ...
  • I just send a pi day greeting card to my friend who can recite pi to 100+ places. aw!
  • I don't have a Chevy, but I guess I could drive my Dodge to the lodge if it helps.
  • I always thought it was pronounced "pee". So really its pee-day.
  • You are correct, as far as I know.
  • If you haven't seen this, then you need to Wow. Um. That's a labor of love, I guess?
  • If you haven't seen this, then you need to Oh my. A Zoom parody, with wizards chanting the death of God through mathematics, fat jokes, and a robot reciting pi in harmony. That's--that's just fantastic. In fact, if it hadn't been for the Party Girl movie posted yesterday, I would be proclaiming THIS the best thing evar. But it's a close second. Anybody got the lyrics of the Wizards' chant?
  • *sends pi greeting card to self*
  • The Hard'n Phirm tune is my unnoficial themesong! I love playing it loud as I roll in the pi-mopile.
  • pie, that's exactly two. One more for the win.
  • That was made to be someone's theme music. I'm not sure who, exactly.
  • The lyrics: When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability No eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint And yet to see you all at once we only need the · Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny That fit inside you oh so tight With triangles that feel so right (3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459) Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline The patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor Then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before Yeah, I know this Pi shit backwards and forwards Check it out I did three chicks then I pointed at the door A girl entered in so that made it four I snapped one time in came another five Add 'em all up and that makes nine The average age 26.5 Now that's what I call gettin' some pi Five of the chicks wore 6-inch heels Two of the nine squealed like seals 514 was the area code Quebec, Canada my winter abode And my 1.3 million dollar chalet Pi backwards, pi forwards, all night and all day 3. 1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 82148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284502(fade out)
  • Are you in π ? via, if you like maths and French
  • Twat. It's 14/3. What? 14/3 is nowhere near pi. Unlike, say, 22/7. Maybe EuroPi day should be july twenty-second...
  • Oh, hair pi! /Takashi
  • Best Pi joke ever. (Though Pleggers' American Pi one came close...)
  • Pi day would be April 31, which doesn't exist.
  • mmmmmmmmmmm.... Pie.
  • fractalid:
    What? 14/3 is nowhere near pi. Unlike, say, 22/7.
    22/7 sucks. 355/113 rules. Consider yourself chastised.
  • 355/113 drools. 104348 / 33215 rules. Consider yourself chastised.
  • You see? This is why I studied art....
  • 104348 / 33215 drools. pi/4 = 4 arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) rules.
  • pi-eyed ox xxxxxxxxx xxxxoxxxx xxxoooxxx xxoooooxx xooooooox xxoooooxx xxxoooxxx xxxxoxxxx xxxxxxxxx
  • This just proves my point that math is an alien virus intent on destroying anything good in the world. Repent! Be healed! You damnable symbolic logic fucks.
  • /applauds bees's 3d drawing.
  • 104348 / 33215 drools. pi/4 = 4 arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) rules. posted by the quidnunc kid at 09:51AM UTC on March 15, 2006 Consider myself chastised.
  • Considering yourself chastised drools. Rmembering yourself flagellated rules.
  • Remembering drools. Rmembering rlues.
  • Math is your pi-eating friend
  • your pie eating friend is methd (up)
  • What, no one here has seen the movie?
  • I see your movie and I raise you a bookie. Ha!
  • Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi
  • 7/22 = upside down pi
  • You know, after watching the hard-n-phirm pi video a couple hundred times over the last few days, I have to wrest the title of "best thing ever" from the live action Jack Chick tract and award it to these guys. I can't get it out of my MIND!
  • what you get by dividing the circumference by the diameter of a creme brulée: custard pi
  • Pi day would be April 31, which doesn't exist. So then it would be...irrational. Perfect.
  • I like pie.
  • Tenacious, I happen to have, er, stumbled across a copy of the pi video that spontaneously converted itself to mp3 format and then trimmed the track down to just the song. It's on my Creative player now. Who's your buddy?
  • MCT, you are the ratio of my circumference to my diameter.
  • oohh is this some sort of mathnerd forplay (fourplay?) going on here...lemme get the vidcamera!!
  • You know, if being nerdly is wrong, I don't want to be right. And neither does my foot-tall Destro doll action figure. So silence, wench, or I will smite thee with my +3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749 Bastard Sword of Irrationality (+e against orcs and ogres). Now bring me my mead. And by mead, I mean that leftover Capri Sun pouch in the fridge. No, not the grape one. Tenacious, check your Gmail.
  • Hee hee! MCT slays the thread, and recieves 10 gold bananas
  • Pi day would be April 31, which doesn't exist Surely it would be the 3rd of Dodecember?
  • *applause*