March 14, 2006
It's Pi Day!
That's right, because of the quirks of the calendar, today, 3/14, is Pi Day! Geddit? Though I guess to be totally accurate, it should have happened once, in 1592. (3.141592...) Anyway, you can brighten your friends' day with Pi day songs, send Pi day greeting cards, make fun Pi jewelry, have pi recitations and pi(e)-eating contests and generally do any number of things that will ensure your continued celibacy.
Hooray for Pi!
So how do you plan to celebrate? Me, I'm writing Kate Bush a sternly worded letter.
dollaction figure. So silence, wench, or I will smite thee with my +3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749 Bastard Sword of Irrationality (+e against orcs and ogres). Now bring me my mead. And by mead, I mean that leftover Capri Sun pouch in the fridge. No, not the grape one. Tenacious, check your Gmail.