March 05, 2006

I'm a lunatic. I scare people. Out of boredom and the attempt to be the first to do SOMEthing, I typed weirdo into Google and hit "I'm feeling lucky" This is what I got. Muahahahahahaaaaaa......
  • I am a lazy eyed psycho. muahahahaha.
  • Good on you cabingirl. Mwua.
  • I also am a lazy eyed psycho. I think that two lazy eyed psychos might just be three too many. Oh, and Mua ha ha...
  • Hi Monkeys, Should I do something useful with my life while I still have my marbles? /needs a girlfriend
  • /needs a girlfriend Hey get your own dating site buddy.
  • I was weird before you were.
  • I now have quantitative proof that I am NOT, I repeat, NOT a weirdo. Now give chy money.
  • I, too, am a lazy eyed psycho. is there any other sort?
  • I got lazy-eyed psycho too. Funny how so many of us got that... Hey, you know what? Type in 'failure' on Google and click 'I'm feeling lucky'. It's pretty funny. You'll see.
  • You are all weirdos.
  • "asshole" works pretty well with the "i'm feeling lucky" button, too.
  • btw the above will link to something w/NSFW audio.
  • I am a classic weirdo. The weirdo for all seasons, as it were.
  • What's for supper, Mom?
  • Pfft. Like we need some Big-Brother-cookie-cutter-square-peg-round-hole quiz to tell us what kind of weirdos we are! WE'RE MONKEYS, DAMMIT!
  • Indeed! *clangs bell* *has more champagne*
  • I still have my marbles.
  • Skrik, will you lend me some marbles please? I'm making a cake.
  • Some lose their marbles. Some have a screw loose. Some swish to a different drummer. Remember there is a Peter Pan guy out there. And then there's the terrible tres butchness of the Werzog. All these refugees from an insaner doorium. Some are gaga. Or even dada. Some are wonky. Some are wacky. Try a wee bittie heyoka in your coffee? Some say they think for themselves. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary. They are coming to take some away, ye know. There's plenty of literary precedent. Look at Lear. Quixote. No, listen to Jacques instead. Ol' Holden laughed like a madman. And Seymour Glass darkly before he was done.
  • There is a pleasure, sure, in being mad, which none but madmen know.
  • The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are of imagination all compact: One sees more devils than vast hell can hold, That is the madman: the lover, all as frantic, Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt: The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name. -- Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act v
  • If you're calling the author of A la Recherche de Temps Perdus a loony, I shall have to ask you to step outside!
  • Seem to recall Thomas de Quincy saw devils in abundance; not sure he was a madman, however, just another Victorian doper.
  • People say that I'm crazy But I'm not that way inclined I know what I know And I'll happily show That madness is all in the mind.
  • *applauds*
  • Mentally disturbed ya well that fits