March 01, 2006

A Short Musical. Martin Short, SCTV Alum, cameo king, Tony Award winner and general Hollywood pissant, has come up with a musical based on his own life story (which is, basically, Marty biting at the teat that suckles him).

You might have missed that news yesterday, though, as it was overcast by a Collins-Evans reunion -- which is only too appropriate, in its own way. Meh. I'd pay good money to see the guy who made "Scenes from an Idiot's Marriage".

  • Short has the amazing ability to both mock celebrity and play into it. It's a very fine, cringe indcing line he walks. Like when he mocks the loungey, walk with mic and kibbitz with Paul Schaffer singer thing he does. Is he putting us on or does he believe he's that guy? Is it a case of multiple personality disorder? Did he take some drug like in A Scanner Darkly that split the hemispheres of his brain? Maybe he and William Shatner suffer from some odd Canadian disorder. Jackie Rodgers Jr. IS a joke, right? Ah, Martin Short, we hardly knew ye. I'll have a Pousse Caffe. (anyone, anyone?)
  • bill shatner's canadian? okay, that explains a lot.
  • And it has just been brought to my attention that early in his career, Short was one of the actors on the Childrens' Underground Club of United Moose and Beaver for Enthusiastic Reporters (or 'CUCUMBER', for the uninitiated). I knew John Candy was, but didn't know about Marty. I feel ashamed for not knowing. My affinity for the man has grown exponentially as a result of his being on the show.
  • Why doesn't Martin Short retire?