February 23, 2006

photographer with no camera finds his words.... An interesting exercise by a photographer.... wander around the site some, pictures aren't always made of images...images aren't always made of pictures....
  • This is good.
  • What mercurious said..
  • Nice find, thanks!
  • Holy shit. This is a good site to explain why some people are photographers, and I am not.
  • Things I haven't taken photographs of: Dick Cheney toting his shotgun to Coretta King's funeral (Duck! Quail!) The Werzog manifesting in all his glory at the vernal equinox A coagulation of inland ghosts carrying silence like a flashlight Tattered victims of an attack by vampire pumpkins Hopkin green frog
  • heh... hopkin...heh... lost.... no photo, just one.bad.drawing! "coagulation of inland ghosts....." a wonderful phrase!!!!
  • It originated with our Mr Knickerbocker.
  • )
  • Sometimes a picture isn't worth a thousand words and actually requires words to define things that aren't apparent. Sometimes one picture doesn't do a complex scene justice. Sometimes the light doesn't conspire to illuminate and highlight the things I see. Sometimes I just don't have the right lens to get the angle of view I want. Sometimes I only have black and white film for an image that begs for color.
  • Ah, this happens to me all the time. Split-second ocurrences of the perfect pose, light, shadow or expression, too fleeting to be captured, all around. Or too embarassing or even risky to take out a camera and try to frame. Of course, when I carry my digicam around and actually take pictures, they usually suck. So yes, it's the eye and not the equipment...
  • That's beautiful and inspirational. Thank you.
  • When I read some of those 'word photos', the beauty and sincerity of it all made me puke a little in my mouth.
  • Wow. His photos are very good, too.