February 22, 2006
Mans website lets viewers vote and help decide what to wear to work.
Since he has appeared on CNN, his audience has gone from 13-year old girls dressing him in conservative suits and ties to web denizens dressing him in zany mismatches. Current winning combination for the Gym tonight is: Pink shirt, Green swimsuit, Brown Argyle socks, Snow boots, Earmuffs.
Join the Schadenfreude!
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
If he appeared on CNN, no doubt he was a self-linking, publicity-seeking goat fucker of the lowest order.
Chy, you got some proof to go with those fancy red holsters?
Yes, proof please.
Ohh - ha, I thought it said "self lickers".
Especially if you're going to post ... that. *claws out eyes*
Man, tough room. It's not a self-link. I don't know the guy, I just thought it was hilarious.
This is the voted ensemble for Feb 2. Sorry for brightening your day. We now return you to your regularly scheduled closed-loop navel gazing.
I see no evidence that it's a self-link. Chy, I'm pulling your images so people can actually get on with commenting on the post.
Also, I can't possibly fathom what would make a guy decide to let the internet -- a community of geeks and AOL teenagers* -- choose his clothes. * Not us, obviously.
Wait, now I'm confused. y'know, again.
Sorry Mr. Spacely! Won't happen again!
* Not us, obviously. *surreptitiously points a thumb at Koko*
* Not us, obviously. Uh, remind me again -- are we not the geeks or not the AOL teenagers?
And the lawyers.
you're not helping! *knits brow, whines*
I M n0t n 40L t33N!
Those are nice shoes he's wearing in that image. I want.
[deleted image]
[deleted memory of above image]
Just google "crazy guy wingtips", Mr. K.
They're golf shoes.
hes incredibly attractive, i wish there were more options that allowed nakedness
I'm getting [Invalid Host Name] I've no idea what's going on but I'm going to side with Chy, just cos I fancy a rumble. I have a shotgun and absolutely no idea of how to use it or the rules of quailtard shooting. Be warned!
Even though I normally side with Chy, I'm going to side with spacely because kitfisto's siding with Chy. It's a matter of principle, you understand.
I can't side with spacely, because I'm a Cogswell Cogs man.
I'm siding with quidnunc because *BLAM!* Oh! . . . oh dear. *glug*glug*glug*
LLllllllets get ready to RRRrrrrRRrruuuuuuuuummmble!
TRACICLE VS CHY! FUCK YEAH! Two monkeys enter, but only one can leave! TRACICLE VS CHY! FUCK YEAH! Now give me the image tags you decorate this place with!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled closed-loop navel gazing. He says that like it's a bad thing. I keep Cheetos in mine.
[this is an image I did not post]
[this is that image's coagulated ghost]
[this image was densely populated and sold at a premium rate]
[this image was a goatse-pose by rocket88]
I love you quiddy. Now just sign here...
I keep Cheetos in mine. *crunch*
Toe jam?
No thanks.
Please yourself. *fires up toaster*
[justify your censorship of this image however you please]
Get a mac.
*offers tracicle a Cheeto*
*nabs offered Cheeto and then feels guilty* Sorry Tracicle
Cheeto bandito!