February 22, 2006

  • Bad idea.
  • I THINK THEY GOT YOUR ATTENTION!!!11!!!!oneeleventwelve11!thirtythree1won!!!
  • Yeah, sorry about the all-caps. I was going for a Burma-Shave thing there, but I guess it didn't work.
  • If new evidence later causes their convictions to be overturned, will the state pay for billboards that say "SORRY, WE WERE WRONG, THIS DUDE'S OKAY"?
  • I can see no good coming of this.....
  • We told you he was/ A gal-rapin' shithead/ We're sorry to say/ He's now been acquitted
  • Oh, and I got the Burma Shave thing. Good form, Cap'n.
  • The justice system never errs where the state endorses capital punishment.
  • While this smells like a bad idea (or at least, and ineffectual one), one can note that sexual predators, especially those that that prey on children, tend to thrive in secrecy.
  • But angry mobs can tolerate bright sunshine and plenty of space.
  • While that point is often brought up, incidences of mob action against sex offenders are so rare as to be nearly nonexistent. Even simple parental revenge, which would seem likely to be far more prevalent, is almost unheard of.
  • Not in my mob, sleezy.
  • Europeans do a better mob than us, it's true. We need to work on that.
  • they call them "football fans" actually. But here's the catch - they're really soccer fans! I know! It's like they don't even know how dumb they are! Ha! "football fans" *snkk!* That said, Mississippi has outlawed slavery, so you'd better just stand back and let the winds of change start a-blowin'.
  • mothers in the state sometimes are listed as being as young as 10 "Younger than she are happy mothers made." - County Paris, on 13-year-old Juliet Shakespeare was referencing Mississippi 300 years anon! Who knew?
  • Yeah but back then you only had 24 hours to mate before you died.
  • HA HA!
  • Well I'm just glad its Mississippi. If this was happening in a state where the people had a history of forming lynch mobs, I would be concerned.
  • When I used to live in Alabama (for a brief time, thankfully) it was always so encouraging to have Mississippi right next door. We're Number 49! Better than 50!
  • I got the Burma Shave thing too. When I was a kid, my dad had a book of old Burma Shave signs we loved to read. If only we could turn back time to that simpler age (but, you know, still have computers and iPods and cloning and stuff). tennenho, I think you win with yours.
  • Dude I've been to Mississippi, and raping the women there doesn't count.
  • Wait that was way less offensive in my internal monologue. I don't mean to annoy anyone, I'm sorry.
  • Wait that was way less offensive in my internal monologue. I don't mean to annoy anyone, I'm sorry.
  • I think the "don't mean to annoy" posted twice is funny.
  • I think the "don't mean to annoy" posted twice is funny.
  • Get over it. Justify your posting twice however you want.
  • Get over it. Justify your posting twice however you want.
  • A few US states require sex offenders to be identified as such on their driver's licences. I predict one's luck at talking oneself out of a speeding ticket are greatly reduced. The good news is that the 'resisting arrest' option is inversely increased.
  • No Sex Toys For You, Mississippi Ah. So proud.
  • Sex toys are always better when they're illegal. Extra hot.
  • Does the Mississippi law forbed devices for anal/genital stimulation, or does it forbid "adult novelties"? Cuz if it's the latter, then I think it's time for the horny citizens of that state with too many esses and and eyes and peas to march on their capital.
  • How will they march with their extry eyes, and their big saggy esses dragging behind them?