February 21, 2006

Papa Ratzi demands royalties for his writings. Guess he's short for cash. You wouldn't believe what a money-pit he's living in...
  • Well, he's P.O.'d about all the Internet file swapping of papal decrees, obviously. I mean, they're not suing all those midwestern mothers for nothing.
  • What? You mean the Hitler Youth pension isn't enough?
  • Ooh! Godwinned in 2!
  • Ha! It's gonna be so funny when, in court, he and the Vatican get bitch-slapped by a lawsuit from none other than god, with previous art proving the real author's rights!
  • Prosetylizing for fun and prophet!
  • So you're saying Ratzinger speaks for God? Methinks they'll end up in court together only if God sues the Vatican for defamation.
  • Now, now, petebest - this link practically Godwins itself! Fr. Ted: The Pope - remember when we went to see him in Rome? Fr. Dougal: Ah, was he that feller that lived in the art gallery?
  • (Those interested in Papa Ratzi's stint in the Hitler Youth, and his later tenure as Bishop of Munich, esp. with regard to observances at Auschwitz, are urged to check out the recent article in the New Yorker -- Feb. 6th ed., I believe, which doesn't seem to be online anymore.)
  • This doesn't make much sense to me, what with land being at such a premium in Vatican City...
  • Don'na criticize tha Pope-ah, 'eel a-peppar you good!
  • I always wondered who that Papa Ratzi guy who killed Princess Di was. Bastard.
  • I declare no Goodwin invoked! He was a Nazi Youth and this has only been stated as fact. No comparison has been made. But those bastard at the Vatican's publishing house wanting a cut of the reprint profits, now there is some jack booted thugs for you.
  • This doesn't make much sense to me, what with land being at such a premium in Vatican City... Say, why didn't the Mystery Machine gang investigate those holy ghost hauntings in Vatican City?
  • I always wondered who that Papa Ratzi guy who killed Princess Di was. Bastard. Good thing I left down my coffe to cool down a little, otherwise I'd sprayed it all over the screen & keyboard a second ago. Ha!
  • People who scream GODWIN!! are nazis.
  • Heh. I'm glad my Hitler Youth comment has gone down so well. You bunch of goddamn Nazis. That Bush guy, on the other hand...
  • That Bush guy, on the other hand... That Bush guy is working to strengthen copyright laws? What?
  • Bush needs to start copyrighting the prose he recites.
  • Ooh, cool! Are we playing "Reverse Sideways Oblique Back-and-Forth Godwin?" Much more fin than "Hungry Hungry Hippos."