February 21, 2006

Ron DeCorte's Notebook I don't wear a watch. Don't even like 'em really. This site is all about watches and is fantastically amazing. Get yer geek on. I may or may not have gotten this through MeFi. Ain't tellin'.
  • Ya, you did. Best of the web.
  • Oooh - watch porn! Absolutely gorgeous stuff and first-rate photography too.
  • yeah he's shooting film and somekinda awesome . . macro . . something lens.
  • Dude people need to stop bogarting from Mefi. It's really lame. Everyone here reads mefi, okay?
  • Are you being sarcastic, ActuallySettle? I can't tell. In case you aren't: I don't read mefi, and plenny other monkeys don't read mefi neither.
  • Hey, but thanks for the great attempt at a comment!