February 16, 2006

Curious George: Mac OS X error -10810 Since MoFi lately has embraced Mac tech support, I thought I might try my luck here too... I am finding that after a while I cannot launch any new apps... sometimes quitting one of the open apps allows me to open another, but more often than not, I just get an error -10810 when I try to open the new application. I'm using a dual 2.0 G5, and upgrading from 10.4.4 to 10.4.5 made no difference. I did some googling and all I found was a suggestion to repair permissions from my install dvd-- did that with no effect. Nothing on apple's boards either. Logging out or rebooting cures it for a while, but the problem keeps coming back. I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.
  • If you have Virex, uninstall it.
  • nope, that's not it :( i haven't used virex in years... thanks, tho!
  • How full is your hard drive? The fact that this takes a while to manifest makes me suspicous of VM files and room on the drive, but that's just a quick hunch, as the OS will usually specifically tell you when it's getting low on room to breath. You might try grabbing all the com.apple.x.plist files from your Home/Library folder and moving them into another folder, or the trash -- anywhere to break the file path. It's a quick way to find out if one of the standard OS X apps from Apple is causing the issue. Emptying cache files is another quick and painless way to switftly troubleshoot. There are cache folders in both Macintosh HD/Library, and your Home/Library. (System/Library too, but you'd have to authenticate to toss those). Restart after trashing them.
  • I really hesitate to tell you this and I hope I'm totally wrong, but this is exactly what my Powerbook did last year before the hard drive died. I started not being able to open any Office programs (Powerpoint, Word), then I couldn't launch inherent apps either. Eventually disc repair couldn't be completed because it couldn't locate the disc. My point is, if you haven't done so already, back everything up just to be sure. I have no solution for you, just hope that I'm way off base and your hard drive is fine. Good luck!
  • The slashdotter in me says "buy a PC". The googler says try this.
  • Can you check your Console log? Or check Activity Monitor and see if any process has a ton of instances open (make sure to set it to show all processes)? What it sounds like to me is that some process keeps respawning and is filling up the process table. Hopefully you can find more info.
  • LOL@mct and Lara
  • How much RAM do you have and how many apps do you have open at the same time? If you quit some apps can you then open others? Is one of the running apps Firefox. (I like Firefox, but it is a resource hog and it tends to use more the longer it is running).
  • Found this suggestion in Apple Support Discussions: you need to get rid of the following: /Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices.6B.csstore ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist (where '~' means your Home directory, i.e. '/Users/yourname') After deleting the referenced files above you will want to do a restart. Then use Disk Utility in your Utilities folder to repair permissions.
  • wow, i go away for a bit and get all these answers... let's see, in order: i really hope its not my HD- i tend to doubt that it might be as well, as i have a RAID of two drives, not one specific one. doublesix- that's what i was referring to when i said i booted from the install dvd and fixed permissions. no thanks to the pc or abakus... my apps won't run on them... the as-400 is tempting tho, if i can get a discount. i'll try checking the console, after i delete the caches mercurious suggested... actually only found the first (slightly different name) but not the one in my ~/Library. i have 2.5GB of ram, and yes, i use firefox. off to reboot and run the console, i'll let you all know. much monkey love and hugs for the suggestions.
  • oh, and going to run cocktail to delete all my caches, thanks douggles
  • well, let's hope that worked. i deleted all my caches, ran all the chron scripts, rebuilt the launch services database, rebooted, repaired permissions and verified the disk. all seems smurfy now, but it will really take a while to see if it's cured...
  • Tried this? Worth a shot.
  • so far so good. no errors yet... and wolof, thanks for the suggestion, but i've never heard of it before and only 100 people had downloaded when i checked-- i think i'll stick with something more established like Cocktail.
  • My PC repairs almost always consist of removing great wads of cat hair from the CPU fan and heatsink. That's no help at all, is it?
  • heheh, good call Lara. i de-cathair (#1 and #2) my tower regularly.
  • damn. another "the application cannot be launched. -10810" error. sigh.
  • Bad RAM stick?
  • i am going to do a full reinstall of the OS over the weekend, methinks.
  • Those kitties are far too cute, eeQ! Let 'em hair up the tech stuff, I say! I'm especially a sucker for calicos.
  • Those kitties are far too cute, eeQ! Let 'em hair up the tech stuff, I say! I'm especially a sucker for calicos.
  • Bad RAM stick? Keep it clean, minx.
  • re the raid array - is it mirrored or striped? if it's mirrored fine(ish), if striped.....full backup, stat!
  • I had a striped raid array, It was a sight to see, But that same striped raid array, Was troublesome for me. I found a mirrored raid array, A lyin' in the street, I snagged that mirrored raid array, And now my life is sweeeet!
  • Lara - that was delightful! *grins*
  • Keep it clean, minx. Spoil sport... What's the diagnosis, es el Queso?
  • i reinstalled os x.4 and softwared updated it to x.4.5. so far no errors... but i haven't completely reinstalled all the doodads and whirlygigs that were previously decorating my system.... i'll post again if i get the dreaded -10810.
  • Hmm. Create a test user account and use it to eliminate preferences in your home directory. Install Diablotin and use it to manage startup items so you can do an old-style OS9-ish doodad/whirlygig conflict detection. If you've got APE or some other doodad that hooks low-level system calls, figure out how to live without it.
  • i was contacted by someone today with the same problem, so as a means of resolution, let me just say the full reinstall cured my woes, and i have not again seen the dreaded error. yay!