February 14, 2006

What happens when you get blasted by a .28 gauge shotgun? This little embedded video tells the story. Ouch! Now excuse me, there's a dead horse that needs beating...
  • Ow.
  • Gives new meaning to "bite the bullet." I hope the poor guy's getting some awesome painkillers.
  • That's gonna leave a mark.
  • Shoot him in the face!
  • Not quite as much blood as I was hoping for.
  • Wouldn't you think that by now some news organization somewhere would have obtained a picture of the guy's face, neck and/or chest? Or at least some nurse would've snapped a pic and posted it on the internets? Something?
  • No way, for the marks of blows to the face, cigarrette burns and such would be evident the privacy of the victim would be compromised.
  • Why don't you liberal fucks understand that Dick was kindly giving his friend a "Freedom Dermabrasion"?
  • It is looking worse for the dermabrasion subject. Got a bit of that shot in his heart.
  • Heart? Oh.. I thought the guy was a lawyer or something.
  • Ouch.
  • This doesn't reassure me much...Mr. Congora certainly seems to be aiming right at the target in order to reproduce the described wounds. WTF?
  • Was Cheney 90 feet away from his designated victim human target uh, friend? I had the impression he was much closer. I think it's just "28 gauge," i.e., no decimal point. Shotgun gauges are a very different measurement from the caliber measurement used for rifles and pistols.
  • Librarians want to know: Do we decimal?
  • Shotgun gauge refers to the amount of pellets equal to the width of the barrel that you can make from one pound of lead. 28 guage means one pound of lead will make 28 pellets of lead equal to the size of the barrel. This means the higher the gauge, the narrower the barrel. No decimal point.
  • excellent. gratsi scimmie
  • Holy shit. Have you seen the front page of cnn.com? Whittington is apologizing to Cheney for being shot in the face by him.
  • I posted this in another thread. Ick.
  • Now THAT'S party loyalty.
  • "Whittington is apologizing to Cheney for being shot in the face by him." Didn't know he was Canadian.