January 29, 2006
Hard Drinkin' Lincoln
"Abraham Lincoln: statesman, leader, beloved President - and America's favorite boozehound! "Hard-Drinkin' Lincoln" shows us the real Honest Abe: a loud, lewd, obnoxious guy in a big hat -- the kind of guy you sit behind in the theater and just want to shoot. So come knock one back with The Great Emancipator!"
Spectacularly tasteless and funny flash cartoons.
Hmmm. Ok.
(Not seeing teh funny)
It's not particularly funny, but the music and attitude are strangely delicious. It's reminds me of a short you'd see on Southpark, like Fat Abbott. The Brew Ha Ha episode has some decent parody. I saw some (c) 2000 dates one some of the videos, so I assume this is pretty old.
There used to be a free animation site called "Icebox.com", and this was one of their shorts. I enjoyed it for the spectacularly non-sequitur humor of it. They had better shorts though--"Zombie College," "Mr. Wong," and "Starship Regulars," just to name a few. SR was my personal favorite.
Oh, this is from Icebox.com. Never mind.
Fuck me, Mr Wong rocked, allegations of its hideous racism notwithstanding. With a theme song featuring Davy Jones! "No matter what the weather, I'll be by her side - we're gonna stick together, until one of us dies". Jesus, good times.
The hideous racism was the whole joke. Some people just don't get the carried-to-a-ridiculous-extreme humor. Me, I thought it was teh awesome. I've got 'em all on a cd-rom, somewhere.
Mr. Wong = cringe humor? Like The Office? I haven't seen.
The hideous racism was the whole joke. It wasn't the whole joke [IMHO], Mr Wong has funny bits that were independent of its "ironic" stereotyping. Anyway, I think we probably think exactly alike on Mr Wong Tenacious, especially in regard to the "allegations" noted above. But other persons might have a contrary view.
*looks forward to "Hot Rod Lincoln"*