January 27, 2006
[Insert Title Here]
gives you the chance to become a comic strip writer, collaberating with the creators of PandaXpress - one page at a time. Guidelines here. If you enjoyed the NaNoWriMoNoMoJoJoJo threads, this may be right up your creative alley.
PandaXpress was a really good read. Loved how delusional Wikkity is. Dahlia the Panda - hah!
oh no! i have missed the point and edited the cartoons themselves. please do not hate me
Great, dng! Now, I may be stupid as a salt-shriveled slug, but why the need to show the strip, then describe the cartoon and text in detail. Is it for people using text-only browsers?
OK, I guess I see that it's to illustrate the script format. Hmph.