January 24, 2006

Big Bat Balls = Small Bat Brains
  • Damn, mct beat me to it.
  • I would have remembered it too, but my massive, pendulous balls got in the way.
  • oh i do.... sigh.
  • That's okay, es el Queso, if it'll make you feel better, I'll tell you the story of Tango and Cash. (SELF-LINK ABOUT MY BALLS)
  • Wow MCT that was the most moving and special story about your balls I've ever read. Congratulations to you and the boys!
  • I, too, have never read a better story about mct's balls. And I have no problem with you self-linking your balls off the main page, so long as you're discreet about it, and don't ask me to help.
  • One of the best stories about MCT's balls evar!
  • what is this feel better you speak of... *gasps for air*
  • MCT's balls! What a wonderful story!
  • >I have walked through the valley, dear readers. And I need to testify. 'Testify'? Is that a 'testi-' joke? I'd be feeling testy if I'd gone through all that, too.
  • My balls asked me to say thank you for your support of their courageous struggle. They'd have typed the message themselves, but they're hunt-and-peck typists. Plus, they're a couple of big nuts! Eh? Eh?
  • mct, you're one lucky nutcase. After all, you won't be paying out testimony to a pair of divorced hangers-on anytime in the near future. Glad the three of you could work it out. Go, nads, go!
  • Ah. Prostatic exams. Ah. Oh. Sheez. Why, we can put a man on the moon have an iPud that plays Desperate Wives episodes, but we still can't have that procedure done via some long-distance, magical screen that involves no desecration of no-sunshine areas... *sigh*
  • mr. medusa had to have a sigmoid colonoscopy and they gave him copies of the pics afterwards!! they're floating 'round the house somewhere....
  • Medusa, you mean you STILL haven't had them framed and up above the living room couch like you promised him?
  • y'kno, there is a saying that man has 2 brains, one on his head, and one between his legs, but god only gave him enough blood to use one at a time. lol. too bad these bats can't do the same. have blood flow low for mating, and have the blood flow high when they need to get somewhere. (watch me duck and wait for something to go flying)
  • avocado