January 19, 2006

And the Snake shall lie down with the Hamster. Though the hamster may not exactly have a restful night's sleep. via
  • I'm guessing that the hamster's luck will run out eventually, unless, of course he gets so fat that the snake won't eat him. Snakes know not to try and eat something that is too large for them to swallow, once they start to swallow something there's no turning back. The snake's teeth point backwards and won't allow the prey to be "spit out". This snake is obviously ready to shed it's skin, you can tell by the cloudy eyes. He won't be interested in eating until he's shed.
  • The zoo encourages "cross-breed interaction"? Am I the only one who got an instant mental image akin to the "elephant makes love to a pig" South Park episode? I'd search for more info on this phrase, but given that the US Government is currently suing Google for access to it's database I'm worried it won't end well...
  • I don't think that reptiles are capable of love, they are very much like men in that respect. But then what is love?
  • That hamster is in more danger than a lost child at Neverland ranch.
  • He must be as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a rocking chair shop.
  • Random...how can you compare men as being reptile like when we've got Condi Rice, who may be the most reptile like human ever..and rumor has it she's a female...
  • Only in Tokyo... Don't they realize the snake is fattening him up for a PARTAYY!!
  • Don't worry. Hammy will come up with a plan, and get GP and Martha to help him out. Maybe GP can fly in his plane real low, scoop up Hammy, or Hammy can make a break for it and hide out in the diving bell. He'll think of something, don't you worry.
  • Aochan, a 2-year-old male Japanese rat snake, eventually developed an appetite for frozen rodents but has so far shown no signs of gobbling up Gohan — despite her name. "We named her Gohan as a joke," Yamamoto chuckled. "But I don't think there's any danger. Aochan seems to enjoy Gohan's company very much." Ah, yes. Perhaps not as funny as the world's funniest blonde joke, but a knee-slapper nonetheless. Thanks for the translation.
  • While I agree with HuronBob that Condi is reptilian, I have to say that I think no human comes closer to being an evil Sleestak than Cheney. And Random, what are you doing calling the smack out on men for if you can't even recognize the quality that you say they lack? Ha!
  • I don't think that reptiles are capable of love, they are very much like men in that respect. Oh Snap!
  • We *are* capable of love, just not for everybody at once.
  • We will also eat you if you fall asleep in our presence.
  • And some of us are venomous, but they are easily sussed out by their colorful markings.
  • ...though I've never had any complaints!
  • Meanwhile, neither gender wishes to claim Ann Coulter...
  • Meanwhile, neither gender wishes to claim Ann Coulter...
  • We *are* capable of love, just not for everybody at once. Speak for yourself. Multitasking is my specialty.
  • bernockle: Ah, yes. Perhaps not as funny as the world's funniest blonde joke, but a knee-slapper nonetheless. Thanks for the translation. the hamster — whose name is a tasty rice dish in Japanese Do you now see the funny?
  • Meanwhile, neither gender wishes to claim Ann Coulter... It's one of the dirty little secrets. She's a man, but we work really hard to foist her off on you notmen.
  • A couple girls who lived downstairs had a huge scary Rotweiller named "Chopper" and tiny cute fuzzy kitty -- I forget the kitty's name, but I called her "Morsel".
  • A Word with You I thought I'd save you for a rainy day Always nice to have a snack tucked away. But I find I cannot swallow what you say -- or you -- as long as we're both captives in this zoo
  • In Tokyo eh? I suspect the involvement of an old friend of mine who lives in that fair city. When he was a student at Leeds Uni he owned a snake and a hamster (in different cages). The snake got out and disappeared. Eventually half of it was found in the hamster's cage, and the hamster had put on a suspicious amount of weight ...