January 18, 2006
if we ignore this it will go away.
Google has more than 34000 hits on "best blonde joke in the world".
say, anyone drawn batgirl lately?
What is this hew-more of which you speak, Earthlings?
GUESS WHAT!!! You can make free phone calls over the intarwebs!!
LoL, Internet.
You know, I think it's good that the coffee they serve at work is shit. Makes me drink water after my morning coffee that I brought from home, so my pee doesn't look so much like Dijon mustard.
Does it taste like Dijon mustard?
Did you guys see this yet? I always figured the story was apocryphal. And yes, my link will actually take you somewhere interesting.
Nice link. I'd love to see that scroll.
livejournal making a comeback!
I'd love to take one end of that scroll and run.
I'd like the glass thing the scroll is scrolled on. It looks nifty.
I'm completely confused as to why the museum curator is handling that WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Dude. Is that really kosher? I thought it would be bad for old, brittle paper to touch it like that.
w00t! Thanks Nickdanger - I hadn't heard about this! This means a trip to the library for me.
Did Monty Python or someone do a sketch about the world's funniest joke where, of course, the joke never gets told?
Python did one where it was so funny that it would kill the listener, so whoever read or heard it was dead. They had the joke fragmented and carefully translated into German, and then had soldiers who didn't speak German walking across the front lines and reading it aloud. This evidently won the war.
"there were two peanuts walking down the street- and one of them was a salted."
I don't get it.
I don't get it. Well, the rambling,stream-of-consciousness nature of the narrative is thematically harmonious with the spontaneous, quasi-directionless and above all disaffected nature of both the protagonist and the disconnected world of the counter-culture.
Oh!!! Yeah. Ha! It is the best blonde joke in the world!
Raise your hand if you kept going until it began to cycle. *raises hand shamefully*
Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer?
I did want to see how far back it went before it cycled. The answer was not far -- about two dozen clicks.
I loved the girl who posted the link and yet couldn't help but proclaim "Sorry. I'm a blonde, I'm smarter than most people, and I laugh at blonde jokes. This isn't funny. It's tiresome." I left a snarky comment, of course. She sent me an email expanding upon her reply to me in the comments (loosely paraphrased: "You don't know me so you can't judge my humor, and I'll say what I want to on my blog"). Whatever. I haven't responded, nor do I intend to.
Go about tne clicks down the line and you come across (ex?) monkey davidmsc's weblog
er, i meant ten, i think...
I'm much sleepier than I had at first thought.
Wait, wait, back up a minute. You can make free phone calls on the internet?
Nah. That bit was a joke.
You can't make free calls. However - if you post your phone number on the Internet, the shopping sites will call you. Try it, saves a bunch of time! Not at all annoying!
My number is 555 HITMAN, as I've mentioned before...
Which is more DUH? The "joke" or this post? Voting will commence now. Please pick up the chads
Wait, YOUR post?
That post.
This blonde joke thing, is something I need to have a TV so it starts vibrating, like in Soviet Russia? /runs away, sloshing lameness all around
sloshing lameness all around Like Zorro!
Your sloshing has filled me with schadenfreude.
MonkeyFilter: sloshing lameness all around Y'know, in case GramMa was napping
**zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz** scherk! wah? hunh? Oh. Nevermind. gack plupp plupp aaak schnorer **zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz**