January 17, 2006

I hate to say I told you so. But, er, I told you so! Beetroot. Yum!
  • I baint begrudge better than a bit of beetroot, bitten briskly from the brand-new bounteous bapsule.
  • Ar.
  • First time I ate a large amount of fresh beetroot, I thought I'd ruptured a kidney. The colour, erm, runs somewhat.
  • Once seen as the Cinderella of the kitchen garden, beetroot is now soaring up the supermarket sales league table, thanks to an astonishing list of health-giving properties. If it used to be seen as Cinderella, that means it's no longer seen as something that is no longer seen as underappreciated. Which means the beetroot is back with her two ugly step sisters. Right?
  • Two ugly step-sisters; that's the rutabaga and the parsnip, right?
  • My sprog used to be fond of beets for their colourful aftereffects; throw in some asparagus and you've got yourself a show. Beetroot is nice, but carrotroot is nicer. Or turniproot - or is that a device to stop bleeding?
  • You can also use beetroot juce to simulate bleeding from the eyes with an 'Eagle-Eyed' Action Man. Simply pull off head, fill with juice, replace head and tip figure forward. Instant brain hemorrhage.
  • Still tastes like dirt.
  • And you LOVE it!
  • Urgh. That FPP link... I know the world isn't built for my monitor specifically, but damn: the column takes up less than 1/3rd of my screen. Really. The actual content is squished into a tiny 1.5 inch wide space on one side of the screen. When are people going to realize that tiny frickin' font sizes and fixed-width columns are for print, and that the internet isn't print? Damn. (end of pointless rant) Now about the beetroot: I might have to give that a shot. Only experience I have is the Harvard-style red beets that my grandmother-in-law loves. And don't knock parsnips, TUM. They're awesome. Boil those suckers in a stew for a while, and they become soft and oh-so-sweet. Raw they aren't much, but wow! Cook them and they smack the bajeesus out of a plain ol' carrot.
  • eating beet reminds me of having my face forced into the mud at the bottom of a collapsed scrum. good times! this place in helsinki features some fantastic beet dishes.
  • oh, and parsnip cut into french fry shape then roasted in olive oil, garlic, and almonds.
  • One day we forgot to tell the babysitter that we fed the little-one beets for dinner. Surprise!
  • I loves me some parsnips. Mom used to boil & mash 'em with butter. Droolworthy. But raw, they do look a bit creepy - like anemic carrots.
  • Beets taste the way earthworms smell. That, to me, is an undesirable trait in food. I wish I liked them better because they're so beautiful. I do love the tops though. Mmmmm, beet greens. If some company invented parsnips they couldn't get them approved for sale for human consumption in the US. They naturally contain the banned carcinogens 8-Methoxypsoralen and 5-Methoxypsoralen and the FDA therefore could not approve them. Enjoy!
  • I will! Yummy.
  • "I hate to say I told you so. But, er, I told you so!" *allows kit a rare success*
  • Ar Ooh ar.
  • Rutabagarutabaga? Rutabaga. /extra
  • I have long known that beets can make you healthy, improve your sex life, and help you live for a 1000 years. And they're delicious!
  • No they aren't.
  • Can anyone tell me the differences between beetroot and what we're used to in the US, the sugarbeet? I love sugarbeets.
  • Beets me.
  • > the differences between beetroot and what we're used to in the US, the sugarbeet? they're of the same family, but sugar beet has been specialized for sugar content (you can refine white sugar from it). table beet (or beetroot) is less sweet and used to be known by the awesomely cool name of "blood turnip". as noted above, table beet tastes like mud (but in a good way).
  • Me likes sugar beet. I'm a beetnik.
  • The world's heaviest beetroot weighed 23.4kg (51.48lb) and was grown by Ian Neale from Somerset in 2001. What they don't say is that afterwards he threw it off a cliff.
  • Go team Veg!
  • I distinctly heard the phrase 'improve your sex life'. Which, no matter how good one's sex life is, can only be a good better thing. One, please.
  • Image hosted by Photobucket.com "It's my dream turnip."
  • pete, you have to eat the beet every day!!
  • Now there’s a beetroot for the day you said that you’d beetroot to me A sweet pea for the sweet way you always smiled at me But you had friends who needed you There was Ferdy, there was Liza So, just for them, I put down a load of ferdy-liza "Garden of Love" by Benny Hill
  • And the fungus reminds me of the Fun Gus is having with you that song is in my head way more than I'd like it to be
  • wow I thought I was the only one.
  • I thought it was "eat to the beet"
  • Article: Catherine Zeta Jones is reported to have become addicted to beetroot after eating it while pregnant with her two children. Wouldn't be good if you couldn't get addicted to it, now would it? Fuuuuuuuuuck.....
  • Yum: "The Elizabethans prepared beetroot by wiping it with fresh dung before cooking it."
  • I think the Elizabethans probably prepared all their food that way, intentionally or no...
  • Blood turnip AND fresh dung! You Europeans will eat any damn thing you find out in the yard, won't you?
  • "Ma'am, can we have some more chinchilla butthole here? And I think a second helping of blood turnip with fresh dung sauce to split with my lady friend, and - ooo! pancreas and cricket legs! Bring us each one of those, and give it an extra sneezing-upon before you bring it out? The last time we were here, we ordered the fungus-and-skidmark and it didn't look like it had been sneezed upon at all."
  • As previously reported Mrs Dotcom is of Germanic origin. They like beetroot. I didn't use to ... but I cracked at Christmas (and we had a reet good shag after.) The URL: enjoyment.independent ... ???
  • It's Beetroot Buddy Day at least once a month at MoFi, and yet I've never even tried them. Do they stain your teeth? I'd be nervous about that.
  • Bart Simpson on blood pudding: "The secret ingredient is blood!"
  • Yum! I remember that summer as a kid when I ate almost exclusively beetroot and apricots....oh boy...
  • OK, can you get this stuff in the US anywhere? I'm not overly adventurous in the produce department, but I'll try any vegetable once.
  • Take a bunch of red beets, saving leaves for salads or feed 'em to your birds.. Slice ball or root into matchstick-sized pieces Stirfry briefly in butter -- the kitchen gods here use a wok. Pinch of nutmeg optional. Serve hot. Superb, immeasurably more tasty than boiled or pickled.
  • You can beat an egg, but you can't... oh never mind. Love Beetroot. Short botanical history of Beetroot - "Beetroots remained long and thin until medieval times..."
  • Holy cow Pleggy! That's my new homepage!
  • Sweet, sweet beets. Hopefully that's not just the sugar in the canned variety I've tried. I always thought they looked like slices of placenta (and enjoyed sharing that observation with dining companions) until I looked for pictures of real placentas online. Still, maybe the idea works a little - beets being an effective vehicle for rich nutrients to enter into our bloodstream. ("Smack is wack! Beets be sweet! Just say no to pekoe! You best be ready for this beetroot jelly!")
  • from Plegmund's first link ... Mr. Moore, 43, of Scunthorpe (fellow rooting around ancient brothels to support his beet-as-aphrodisiac theory) was voted Sexiest Farmer in North England in 2003. I shudder to imagine the competion really - swimsuit contest, evening dress ...
  • Hey! *points*
  • din' your momma teach you it was rude to point? (you're supposed to wait until the person leaves the room)
  • Been awhile, hasn't it?
  • yep - moved, moved again, finished school, got a job, quit my job, moved again, back in school. but I'm back, baby. Well, when my wifi isn't been interrupted by wind storms.
  • If it's any comfort, I think the 'Sexiest Farmer' claim is probably a product of Mr Moore's own fevered imagination (and possibly beetroot intoxication). No sign of it from other sources, and the NFU doesn't even have a North England region as such.
  • I always thought they looked like slices of placenta Guava: Thanks for the inspiration. I'm off to make a concoction of sausage, eggs, and beets. I shall name this delectable dish Pig Placenta on Toast!
  • Workin' on a Sex Farm Botherin' your livestock They know what I need!
  • Is a sexy farmer a man-hoe?
  • Oh no you di'ih!