January 17, 2006
See also the Parti Citron, unrelated to the Lemon Party. It's probably worth mentioning some ridiculous aspects of serious Canadian politics. Social Credit is a political movement based on some shaky economic ideas. The Social Credit Party in Alberta issued its own currency for a while. The BC Social Credit Party ruled as recently as 1991 when Bill Vander Zalm was forced to resign because of some shady dealings related to the sale of a theme park and flower garden, Fantasy Gardens. Just about any region of Canada you can think of has had an independence movement at some point. Besides the Bloc Quebecois who currently control the majority of federal parliaments seats in Quebec, Newfoundland hasn't forgotten that it was the last province to join confederation, and even had a king not so long ago.
Viva le Parti Rhinocéros!
Brilliant. The Rhinos...have promised, if elected, to immediately demand a recount. Totally brilliant. Great link!
I do miss them badly. I hadn't realized that the Belgians had sent mussels and beer. Very classy.
I love that the Belgians played into the joke. Or they're really stupid. That'd be fun, too.
Belgians know how to rise to an Occasion.
calimehtar: Wow, that's pretty crazy about Newfoundland having a king and all. Now they only have a queen, which is much more sensible! :-)
Er, yeah, that king of newfoundland thing is a red herring. I apologize. Don't drink and post.
My favourite Rhino party moment was their stand on Meech Lake -- they couldn't support it, as they much preferred Lake Tahoe.
Man, I would join the Rhinos in an instant if it came back. Perhaps just fill out one of these (PDF)? I bet we could muster up at least 250 people if we tried . . . get the Rhinos back on the lists as a party eligable for registration.
Or perhaps we should just form the Monkey Party of Canada? Monkeys in 2007!!! (it's not like there isnt going to be another election in a year, after all . . . . )
All we would have to do is follow a few simple rules . . .
Monkey Party of Canada / Parti des singes du Canada Ook ook!
Now all we need is a platform . . . . 1. Bananas for all Canadians! Increase greenhouse gas emmisions so we can warm the place up and grow our own!
Aw, looking through the wiki, I hadn't realized the Natural Law Party wasn't running candidates here anymore. They were always entertaining. The Rhinoceros Party more so, of course, but Natural Law was always good for a few giggles. The fact that the Belgians did play along with the joke is too brilliant.
2. Monkey platform is more like monkey bars. Monkey bars are restricted to those nineteen and over.
3. Replace the Canadian Armed Forces with the Elite Flinging Squad. The world will tremble with fear.
"Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Monkey Party?" "Ook."
Me like monkey party. If I had the time, I'd even consider this seriously. It would be a grand hoot.
Don't blame me, I voted for Urban Predator.
4. Monkey Party will move capital to Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia. Eeeek! Eeek!
5. Cigarettes on demand for all monkeys.
We could stand some monkey party down here - say a North American Monkey Party??? And if I may be so bold, I would like to nominate myself as Ambassador to Belgium.
Well, of course every national branch of the Monkey Party will be part of the greater Partie Internationale des Singes. All together now! Arise ye monkeys from your slumbers Arise ye orangutans from shat For baboons in revolt now thunder And at last ends the age of scat. Away with all your flinging Simian masses arise, arise We'll change henceforth the old wringing And spurn the dust to win the (banana cream) pies.
*applauds fimbulvetr* *checks spelling of fimbulvetr*
So long as we are not required to sing, I'm in.
And now the chorus! So all monkeys, come rally And the last flinging let us face The Internationale unites the simian race. So monkeys, come rally And the last flinging let us face The Internationale unites the simian race.
6. The banana sponsorship inquiry will be terminated immediately.
If you choose to go with other than the Canadian Branch of the Monkey Party, here's an interesting spot. I wish we could prevent problems with yogic flying, though.
7. Monkey Party stands for more national holidays: every Monday in Months beginning with M, National Banana Appreciation Week, Flinging Fridays, and a bi-monthly Lets All Go Climb a Tree Day.
Ask for your copy of the the Monkey Party Brown Book today.
Oh -- and dibs on Minister of Tourism.
I will be Minister of Fleas.
Primate Minister?
Can I head up the nit-picking committee? (Not the one where you find fault with picky details, but the one where you pick nits from the fur of monkeys.)
Her Majesty's Loyal Ookosition.
Nobody expects the Spanish Ookusition!
er, but those who do.... Our chief weapons are: beets.
And we will harness the Rhinocerosessess!!
Natural Law was our kookiest part, but they are international. The Canadian Action Party is home-grown kookiness, but (according to my economics teacher) quite interesting ideas.
Poke them with the soft cushions!!