January 17, 2006

Instructions for cool projects. Instructables: Step by Step Collaboration. Want to make a pinball coffee table? How about a smoke bomb? As featured on the MAKE:blog.
  • AWE. SOME.
  • That coffee table looks great. But I know exactly what any visitor to my living room would say after looking at it: 'Wow! Can we play a game!'. After explaining that no, it's not a working table, they would say: 'Oh. Well, it's cute'.
  • Agreed, Flagpole. Maybe they should add a few steps for putting in controls for the flippers and launching the ball. That would be great. But it does look cute (^_^)
  • Tres cool. I've got to try some of these, especially the make-your-own-bra. Love the TP dispenser. I always though it would be cool to have a linen cupboard made out of a piano.
  • Yeah, I thought the main flaw of the pinball table was that it didn't work... but I guess it would be cheaper to find a non-working one. I wasn't keen on the fact it used a battery.
  • It needs a specific angle to work, and that would put the drain and flippers much deeper into the table (or slant the table top). I don't think it'd be as attractive that way. Plus pinball machines require alot of maintenance to keep running. I do think they should've stained the wood, it'd look better that way (though maybe not with the rest of their decor). The site is awesome. There are a bunch of stupid instructions in there, but there's also a bunch of good instructions and good ideas.
  • These SO beat my ideas for making nifty lamps out of clear and aqua suspension insulators. (I actually have about 20 clear insulators in boxes at home waiting for my lazy ass to get working on 'em.)
  • I'm tired of making smoke bombs.
  • Underpants: isn't that a make-your-own-bra PURSE? Or am I missing something here?
  • If I made a purse out of my bra, I wouldn't be able to carry enough money for a cup of coffee.
  • I know how to make doodie bombs. Email me for info.
  • Well, duh! Don't carry so many pennies!