January 13, 2006

Black cop infiltrates the Ku Klux Klan. And they loved him so much, they asked him to run things.


  • Sooooo... he was also investigating protestors of the Klan? Because we don't want people protesting the Klan. Because they're Kommunist. *sigh*
  • Reminds me of that Dave Chappelle sketch with the blind white supremacist who didn't realize he was himself black.
  • I assume he was investigating both sides of the story to prevent possible violence at rallies. Even people with the best intentions can (and in this case, rightly IMHO) wig out against groups with less than honorable intentions. Like it or not, the Klan has a right to publicly express their viewpoints, and are still protected by law. I wouldn't shed a tear if someone opened fire on a Klan rally, but it's still illegal, and if there's rumors of such, the police are duty bound to investigate it. I would make the the obligatory Chapelle reference but I'm sure many of us are thinking it already. What's REALLY scary about the article is that two Klan members had a degree of access to nukes. I'm sure it's more sensationalism than anything, the checks and balances against someone just firing one willy nilly is fairly foolproof (even though I read that OTHER scary article about how close we've come to launching in the past). Still, I thought NORAD's background checks were pretty thorough. How does one miss a card-carrying member of the Klan? Though I guess they could've been "secret" members... Interesting read though...
  • I smell a screenplay.
  • Danny Glover/Mel Gibson reunion?
  • What a funny article. Black people in Utah? Ha ha!
  • After reading the article... Headline revised to: "White guy infiltrates the klan, has black guy make phone calls for him. Black guy now wants to run for public office and wants to twist this story and utilize his klan "involvement" years ago to get publicity for his new life now that he is retired and wants to double dip into the government dole in an elected position on top of his retirement pay!" But, that's too long for a headline, isn't it!
  • Why, good morning, Bob. Coffee?
  • Sooooo... he was also investigating protestors of the Klan That set off my alarm bells as well. Assuming the Wiki article is accurate, the PLP appears to be a remarkably level headed organization for a bunch clinging desperately to communism. Their wackiest current ideal is that they apparently refuse to recognize Stalin as anything but a hero. (That one is pretty wacky.) They apparently have a history of confronting racist organizations and protecting minorities targeted by racist organizations. From the article it sounds like the PLP are on some sort of national police hit list, and commonly absorb greater police attention and retaliation than their protests warrant. While I'm no fan of violence in the streets, if I was a cop I wouldn't be too upset if someone decided to show up and cause some havoc for the racists. F@#! Illinois nazis.
  • wait, he never went to the meetings? how is that amazing?
  • SLC, Utah is the only place I have ever been where all the McDonald's employees were caucasian.
  • You people suck
  • Actually, a couple of my high school friends were (children of) members of the PLP. I went to a couple meetings, and while sympathetic to many of their beliefs, much of their rhetoric was indeed wacky. And for the high school Eamon to realize something was wacky, it had to be damn wacky.