January 12, 2006

Corbu was completely batshit loco. Le Corbusier, godfather of modernism, liked to bind his books in dog.
  • thereby proving one of Groucho Marx's finer jokes!
  • Too bad he's not still around... I'd have to hook him up with Paris Hilton.
  • Ah well scratch that... it's not the dog's fault.
  • *nods to patita* Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend...
  • Paris Hilton doesn't have enough skin to bind a Jack Chick comic, let alone a novel! [Rereads rolypolyman's comments] Oh.
  • *nods to mct* inside a dog, it's too dark to read. boom, tish!
  • Holding Emptiness The living dog was full of flees, that, post mortem, holds Cervantes' reframed novel. Yet its more lasting function points out Corbusier's lack of compunction.
  • =fleas, dang it. Fleas.
  • Try the veal.
  • Glad to see someone finally found a use for dogs.
  • I guess it's no worse than having a favorite pet stuffed by a taxidermist. I personally wouldn't do either, but some folk do.
  • some say once they're dead and gone there's little point keeping a collar or a well-mouthed chew ...seeing such outlived things can make the living feel blue... but I don't suppose it's worse than immortalizing a cherished friend in verse the idea I might be somehow keeping you from going wherever it is you need to gp from here used to bother me when I was younger but I long ago got used to catching sight from the tail of my eye your tail disappearing flicking past the edge of an open door or you flirting across a dimlit hall... aye, someone here may talk a good game and can even reason round or through such haunting but yet not reason his intractable heart so it stops wanting
  • patita, in lieu of Groucho himself, here's The Groucho Marx Name Generator, just for fun.
  • Victor B. Roadapple, at your service!
  • Warren B. Wagstaff woz here.