January 11, 2006

News/Sexfilter: Colombian teenagers could be forced to carry condoms in an effort to stop unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Maybe they could sew 'em into school uniforms or something, kind of like those fire alarms in the case that says "break in case of emergency."

  • So, pieisexactlythree, you dislike condums? Or maybe don't think they'll actually use them? What are we taling about here
  • It'd be much more effective if we just forced all males to have their genitals embedded in a block of lucite. No, not all in the same block of lucite. Sheesh.
  • I've heard worse ideas for stopping the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Like an abstinence only sex-ed class in school.
  • Enough of these laws, eventually no-one will be able to walk under the weight of all the stuff they must carry. And then the aliens will find the earth ripe for the plucking.
  • Sterilize 'em at age 12 and shoot 'em up with saltpeter. (What I really believe is that condoms should be available at every entrance to the school, free, and in most public buildings by the door. Sex ed, free comdoms--maybe then we'll have a chance)
  • No, what you do is tie a string to two condoms and then run the string through the sleeves of their coat so they won't lose 'em. You know, like mittens.
  • mct, that idea is so cute!!! but teenage boys will never go for it. I have long believed that all should be reversably sterilized at puberty and they need to invent some sort of spray on condom-type substance for boys n girls to coat their parts....
  • BlueHorse: the only two words I got were "shoot 'em". That'll keep'em off the damn lawn.
  • Ehm, if you run the risk of getting a fine if you don't carry a condom, wouldn't you want to avoid using that condom, to avoid getting booked? I mean, you could carry the used condom afterwards, but somehow the idea isn't particularly appealing.
  • That's why you'd have to sew hundreds of them into the lining of your coat.
  • I am holding a condom in my hand as I type this.
  • So, pieisexactlythree, you dislike condums? Or maybe don't think they'll actually use them? What are we taling about here No, the description is verbatim from the BBC. I report, you decide. Rather, when I saw this, I imediately thought about the shitstorm that would ensue if someone even suggested something like this in the US. American priorities being what they are, I expect this would attract more attention than Abramoff, Alito and that flaming mouse combined.
  • Actually why is it that when people grow up they forget what their curiosity and sex drive was like as a teenager and have to come on as 'holier than thou'? we are all animals - humans just clothe biology in bullshit - great idea at least no more pretence that it doesn't happen.
  • Didn't God say condoms were illegal?
  • The bothering thing to me is the idea of being required by law do do any one particular thing regarding one's personal sexuality. Yes, I think tenagers should be using the little fellers, they should be told about the benefits of using them and they should be readily available, but it's the requiring that makes me uneasy. And aren't most Columbians Catholic?
  • >The bothering thing to me is the idea of being required by law do do any one particular thing regarding one's personal sexuality. Yeah, but we're not talking about adults. If we can agree that fifteen-year-olds ought not to drive, drink, or smoke, then I don't think it's too much of a stretch to add procreation to the list of activities that are best put off until the age of majority.
  • Actually why is it that when people grow up they forget what their curiosity and sex drive was like as a teenager and have to come on as 'holier than thou'? Lots of people remember their curiosity and sex drive as a teenager. I'm only 25, so it wasn't too long ago that I was one myself. I managed to make it through my teenage years without having sex, believing strongly in abstinence, and I haven't wavered from that conviction. I guess that makes me one of those holier-than-thou types. we are all animals - humans just clothe biology in bullshit Really? What mean you by this? Are you implying humans have no self-control, no conscious, self-awareness or ability to determine one's own choices? Or are you implying there has been a wrongful conflation of science and morality?
  • f8xmulder is a virgin! f8xmulder is a virgin! f8xmulder is a virgin! (Sorry, I just had to.)
  • It's one thing to believe in abstinance. I don't believe in it for myself, but I very much respect other people's decision. However, it is another thing entirely for people to use a belief in correctness of abstinance to justify not telling young people important information which could save their lives. I don't care if schools teach students not to have sex, so long as they explain also where to get condoms and how to use them (which the students can practice, at home alone - the girls can use bananas). Because abstinance only teaching does get kids to have sex later (which might be good - more time to think about what they want), but it also means they are less likely to take precautions when they do have sex. This is bad, bad, bad.