February 21, 2004

"Aliens Beam Editor To Tabloid Heaven" reads Washington Post article. Eddie Clontz, longtime editor of the Weekly World News died today. (via waxy)
  • Oh! I'm so relieved that the quality of the headlines won't go down, even though he's dead. They make it possible to survive the supermarket checkout line. My absolute favorite appeared several years ago - a 26 pound hair ball had been surgically removed from a woman's stomach. I've spent the intervening years imagining all the possibilities on how it got there. Actually reading the story would have spoiled everything. Rest in peace, Eddie! Or in outer space, or cold storage, in the bat cave, or wherever. I appreciated your art.
  • He and others like him are occasionally right, ie OJ and probably the Ramseys, and for that they should be buried as kings. He and others like him brought us the Saddam/Osama lovenest story, and for that they shall be buried as fools. Fly on sweet prince, and say hello to Elvis and Hitler when you get there.
  • Initially I thought that this was one of my father's childhood friends - then I found out that my dad was friends with Dick Kulpa, the art director at the WWN. This made me very happy, as now I still have an "in." So now they should be looking for a new ed. in chief - I'll submit my resume tomorrow.
  • My memories of the Weekly World News all stem from grocery lines and roadtrips. The most memorable title for me was one I saw a way back but the alliteration made it stick. Tennis-ball sized Tarantulas Terrorize Tiny Tennessee Town! My other memory is how nasty smell of the paper. Maybe I am imagining it, but I swear the paper and ink has a unique odor unlike anyother publication.