January 06, 2006

Trancing Bunnies. Many people know you can hypnotise chickens but you can also put bunnies in a trance which is useful for trimming nails etc.
  • Wow. I wonder if this will work with minks?
  • Or even minx? *puts on bestest aftershave*
  • It is definitely a freaky sight to watch someone do it, especially considering how much most bunnies like to be picked up (i.e. not at all, prey animals like their feet on the ground.) Unfortunately, I can never see to get my bunnies to lie on their backs long enough to trance them.
  • I want a bunny now.
  • wow. how many bunnies do these people have? (love this photo -- casper looks like a stuffed toy)
  • Hypnotising lobsters is easy; trimming their nails is not.
  • I've never had any luck trancing my bunny. She loves a good pet (demands it even), but any attempt to get her feet off the ground and she is very displeased.
  • Put some rabbits in a trance, stuff them bunnies in yer pants. them fuzzy critters will enhance yer sleepy Bunny Trance Pants Dance.
  • It's got a good beat, and I can dance to it: 9.2!
  • Here's the question: while hypnotized, can a bunny be convinced he's NOT attracted to a member of the opposite sex? This just seems like a nice bunny twist on the old party trick...since making a bunny want to fuck other bunnies just seems kind of redundant...
  • Does it work on THESE bunnies (link NSFW)?
  • ...cuz I wanna...trim their nails...
  • I can't believe that they are trying to pass off a collection of photos of dead bunnies as photos of hypnotized bunnies. I am going to start a website featuring photos of deer and dogs that have been hypnotized on the side of the road.
  • Are not. If they were dead bunnies, they'd be dressed up in clothes and posed in human poses. Then made into calendars. This is strictly for veggin' out yer thumper.
  • I was going to ask how you can tell they didn't just drug a bunch of rabbits for those pictures. And even if they didn't, wouldn't that be easier to trim their claws?
  • now i have "kill the wabbit" from What's Opera, Doc? going round in my head.
  • Aaaah! . . . Oh Great. Thanks roryk!
  • C'mon, petebest, it could be much, much worse. Because There is just one moon And one golden sun And a smile means Friendship to ev'ryone... Heh heh.
  • This is strictly for veggin' out yer thumper. Funny, I thought tennenho's link was for veggin out my thumper...
  • Bunnies do not like to be held in their backs, recumbantly; it makes 'em think their time has come and all their hoppy days are done.
  • *claps* The perfect poem to pull me out of a Friday afternoon funk. Major bananas.
  • Some work for peanuts, but I work for comments like that one, Lara. Thanks.