February 20, 2004

"Penguin Balls"
Pete and Barb's Penguin Page is but one stop on the myriad sprawl of links that is the Sphenisciform Webring. Linux fans will want to check out The Penguins of Ana Maria Frias, Travis Miller Likes Penguins! (great drawings), the Live Penguin-Cam, Paper Penguins and (oldie but goodie) Spaced Penguin.
  • By the way, if you really loved me you'd get me this. Heckuva conversation starter.
  • Somewhere, way away, under the ground away from the howling wind, the penguins plot to regain their sacred bones. Do you really wish to be the first to feel their vengeance? They have those beady eyes, those sharp beaks, and you can't tell one from the other. I've seen them, great flocks waddling menacingly. It's said they use their wings to fly through the sea. Perhaps they can swim through the air as well. The spaced one certainly can.
  • The downside to penguins: they smell of fish.
  • I cannot even tell you how many hours I spent playing spaced penguin. And then the high score recorder was BROKEN!!! GAAAAAHHH!!!! Er. I mean, this is a great post. I know someone who is going to flip over it. *cough: Space Kitty*
  • HAA!!! "Pingu Butta Jelly Time" It's the little things. It really is. Thanks forks.
  • Penguin links + impending happy hour + boss out of the office = happy, happy Space Kitty.
  • Penguin evolution is a fib! In the early part of the last century, polar explorer Apsley Cherry-Garrard risked his life to recover three eggs of the emperor penguin from the base of the charmingly named Mount Terror. He miraculously survived the expedition (a side trip on Scott's final, fatal Antarctic adventure) to write his aptly-titled memoir The Worst Journey In The World, a saga more miserable than Shackleton's. Read this and you'll never complain about the cold again. Today Mount Terror is considered a ski descent for adventure-style ski mountaineering d00dz. This blows my tiny mind.
  • Did I mention that I interviewed Opus for MSNBC.com? I did? Dozens of times? Okely Dokely...
  • Yes, Wendell, but it never fails to make me jealous.
  • Holy crap wendell. I missed that. But I've had a link to that interview on my blog since it came out. I never realized it was you. Hee!!
  • Dennis Webster: THE PENGUIN The penguin is an awkward bird. At least, that's what I've always heard. It swims and waddles, never flies, When other birds act otherwise. Its workday outfit seems so formal And that, I think, is hardly normal. It keeps its egg upon its feet Which doesn't sound so very neat. Still, I guess the penguin does its best To raise a child without a nest. It's not exactly Paradise Living on a slab of ice. I loves me some penguins.
  • Oh Penguin! Beware the bowling ball of global warming pin-shaped bird... Lest you be knock-ed into the gutter of cataclysmic climate change. Which would be a drag probably. Brought to you by Purposely Bad Poetry Whomps The Devil Out Inc.
  • FYI, Travis Miller Likes Penguins! (great drawings) is broken.