January 01, 2006

Eating Dust .. .. and another year closer to days of throwing old boots (from one's wheelchair) at those disgustingly cheerful (sans hangovers) young whipper-snappers!
  • Celebrating New Year's at the vernal equinox at least isn't completely arbitrary. I wish our holidays in the West were more consistent with logic. New Years is still observed as the Feast of Christ's Circumcision by some denominations. Fascinating! I wish I'd known this last night. Thanks, Jera. Well, so's you're all prepared for February -- read up on the Roman antecedent of Valentine's Day. Let's see Hallmark develop a card with pictures of patrician youths dressed in sacrificed goat skins, whipping the girls of the town.
  • Which gives me the horn, I can tell you.
  • Why did I read jeraboam's post as "knocking boots" instead of "throwing boots"?
  • Cos you a pervert.
  • I'm not hungover.... I'm still drunk!
  • I didn't just eat the hair... I finished the pooch
  • One had merely a waft of alcoholic mist pass the nostrils. I will need the brain cells to be available for that future 'quick and merciful death by Aussie beer'.. heh!
  • The early Babylonian's most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm equipment. That is an awesome tradition. I hereby name it as my New Year's resolution. Well, not farm equipment exactly, but other borrowed stuff. I guess I should include money in that. And since we're shifting away from an agrarian economy here in the States, any day is as good as another to start the New Year. I remember us kids having a good old laugh at the Lupercalia when we read Julius Caesar in tenth grade English.