December 31, 2005

Curious George: Year in Review. What was the best and worst of 2005? Music, movies, news stories, humanitarian efforts, personal accomplishments, best/worst memories (if you want to share), anything at all. How did 2005 rate for you?
  • Didn't see many movies this year. But Crash rocked. And I got my Firefly movie, so I'm happy. Best music: Bright Eyes, I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning. Runners up: The Go! Team, Thunder, Lightning, Strike; Okkervil River, Black Sheep Boy; and My Morning Jacket, Z. Funniest music: The Right Brothers, "Bust was Right." [.mp3 excerpt]. Also, I saw Leslie Feist live and she totally rocks. Favorite newsy story? This Canadian political ad -- just out! -- in which the Conservatives accuse the Liberals of planning negative attack ads in their own negative attack ad. I didn't think you could do that, but there ya go. I got a bunch of scholarship money to start the school year. In fact, for me, 2005 looks pretty good.
  • "Crash" was fantastic!
  • Despite the numerous downer events, the discouragements, the disappointments, the deceptions, and the diversions, a little thing was my own high point. My dad, who I suspect is seriously ill (he won't admit it but looked like hell and didn't sleep at all well) came up for a surprise visit for my kid's birthday. He didn't feel well enough to escort the screaming horde to the arcade, but he served cake and entranced the kids with his best grandpa act. It's likely the last time I'll ever see him, but all the residual shit that has caked up over the year is scrubbed clean when I remember his visit. As they say, a small, good thing. I didn't tell him that, because I didn't want to start something in our volatile family, but I wanted to tell someone. Hope you don't mind.
  • And Happy New Year!
  • Crash was decent, but not super amazing. And did anyone else notice that most of the movie's problems could have been solved by gun control, adequate health care, and more lenient insurance policies? It's so liberal at heart. Think about it. My grandfather almost died. He faced it with dignity and spunk; he called his cardiologist an asshole. He didn't die, but this year I realized aging is scary but is also a challenge that can be met. The Constantines released an amazing album this year, as did Sufjan Stevens. Hunter S. Thompson, ye shall be missed.
  • I must be on a different planet from Smo, because I've not heard of a single one of those bands. Best local concert of the year: Hands down, no contest - the three hour rockathon by Pearl Jam here in Ottawa! It said so in our local paper too, so that must be right. PJ beat out U2, the Stones and Springsteen. Best book I started reading but haven't finished: A Short History of Everything by Bill Bryson. Best movie: None, but I also haven't seen Crash yet. Worst personal moment: Too much time wasted procrastinating. Best quote I heard this year: "A kick in the pants is also a step forward".
  • The best movie of 2005, hands down, was The Aristocrats.
  • I want to see the aristocrats, as well as syriana. I also haven't seen that penguin movie either. Been a busy year.
  • Oh my God, I am sooooo drunk right now. Cynnbad, all the very best to you. I have been in a very similiar position with my own dad and I empathize with you. I'm not sure what to say but, just, savor the moments. To everyone else, I LOVE YOU GUYS! staggers drunkenly to the bar Which one was the Aristocrats? There are several movies I'd like to see very soon. Yay for cosmopolitans. *did I say that out loud?* I will never admit how long it took me to type all this or to fix all the mistakes. Nope.
  • I think we should have a night where we are only allowed to post when we are drunk.
  • I didn't see a single movie in the theater this year. Not one. Didn't miss it, to be honest. I also didn't buy any CDs, relying on free mp3 sites (thanks forks!) and the kindness of mix-CD making strangers. Some sent me coasters, but many sent me sweet hot uranium. Read a lot of books, though. Most were pretty good. Some were exceptional. Umberto Eco's "The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana" was one of the best. What did I realize this year? That it's ok to not give a shit about things that other people think are hugely important, so long as you aren't a hardass about it. 2006 is going to be about building a better tao. Embracing the inner neo-Victorian. Distilling drops of quicksilver from gouts of rocky ore. Sussing out the incoming ballistics and throwing the chaff so far in advance that no one knows it's chaff.
  • Holy crap so drunk right now. Trying so hard to follow punctuation and all that. Ugh. But if i don't type bad you won't believe i'm drunk. Well I am. So drunk. Rereading that, I am assured you will know how drunk i am. Happy new freakin' year!!1! <-- yes really 1!
  • oh, lord - so drunk. happy 2006! Best part? Ringing in the new year with sexyrobot and the_bone. Wonderful stuff. Happy Monkey New Year to everyone!
  • I have a little thing for Space Kitty.
  • So there, Annette.
  • Best album of 2005? (Careful, it's a Flash link -- and a shameless self-promotion at that.) As for the best movies..
  • Thanks for that link scartol. It has a pointer to a movie called "La Haine" that looks interesting. On the other hand, the two movies I've seen on his favourites list "Batman Begins" and "Sin City", were not IMO all that interesting.
  • I have a little thing for Space Kitty. Put that back in your pants, Wolof! *frantically waves arms*
  • Monkeyfilter: I have a little thing
  • Awwww! Thanks, User #7! I think your daughter is the cutest thing since bunny feet - Happy 2006!
  • I Have Already Typed This Out And Am Too Lazy To Do So Again.
  • flashboy, for your No. 1, I will love you forever and ever (^_^)
  • Just finished watching Hide and Seek (Robert DeNiro). This may be the worst movie of the year.
  • Doctor Who! Forgot about that. Now I want more.
  • Also. Veronica Mars: Season One = Best show on TV DVD since Buffy.
  • My top 11* movies for 2005 (in order, best last) Hitch Millions The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Wedding Crashers Murderball* Batman Begins Good Night, and Good Luck Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe, The Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D* Serenity Sin City * not counting documentaries My BOTTOM 11 for 2005 (in order, worst last) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Island Red Eye Dark Water Broken Flowers Be Cool Elektra White Noise Stealth The Longest Yard Cursed ... wasn't the best year for movies.
  • Let's see... Best Movie- Crash (didn't see many others though) Best Book- Cryptonomicon (didn't have time to read any others) Best Music- Keith Jarrett- The Out of Towners Biggest Loss- A dear friend and great singer, Pam Bricker of Thievery Corp Biggest Gain- my sweet second daughter, Ariel Bei Ni Best News- My wife's recovery from nerve damage (car accident) that had halted her violin career for seven years. Best Punchline without a setup- "No those aren't my bagpipes, but keep playing!" A Happy New Year to you all and lang may yer lum reek!
  • 2005 sucked.
  • Nice, kamus.
  • Music...came to terms with some of the new pop/punk bands out there. Realized I hate lo-fi as a genre, and most saxophones. Movies...Sin City. And while not new movies, "But I'm a Cheerleader" and Hedwig. Books? I read about one every two days and I don't keep track of them. Filled a new bookshelf. Personal achievements? Whoo. Drove across the country with four other grad students and hiked most of Arches and a good chunk of Zion. Had one of those huge identity crises. Made a few new friends, one minor and one major new enemy, and one new love (and new appreciation of an old one.) Also started on a book. First half of the year was much better than the second half.
  • A Short History of(Nearly) Everything by Bill Bryson. Awesome book. But 2004. 2005 is the year we shall not speak of again. Shhh. No.
  • My 2005 started out shitty and ended great! I started the year in poor health with vestibular migraines (sooo fun!) and a broken ankle in March (crutches for 5 weeks and problems ever since); then our cool old cat died. The middle of the year was meh. Then in November, I quit my yucky job of many many years, got a new kitten, sat around the house reading books like crazy, started cooking some seriously good food, and just got back from a spontaneous long weekend in San Francisco! 2006: new career, older kitten, and maybe I'll finally get around to painting the walls in my house, two years after moving in.
  • Hope things go spectacularly for you in the new year, kittenhead. Remember, if nothing else, the days are getting longer. I hope you have beautiful sunrises and sunsets like I do. Sometimes I think that God must be on crack, what with all the colors and crazy weather!
  • Oh, and painting walls? It's been TWELVE years for me -- just can't decide on the look.
  • I think we should have a night where we are only allowed to post when we are drunk. Best. Idea. Ever.
  • Cynnbad, it makes me happy to hear I'm not the only one who hasn't painted yet. How do people know what colors to paint their walls BEFORE they move in and get everything placed? I have no color sense that way. Hope the year goes spectacularly for you as well! For everybody! DRINKS ALL AROUND, THEN DRUNKEN POSTING ALL AROUND!!
  • Good: Got my dog Shuggie in April. Bad: July was erm, memorable. 6th, found out my Dad had about a month left (LC), at the same time as the annoucement that my native London had got the Olympics echoed around Paddington station. 7th, some mad theists blow themselves and 50-odd others up. 14th, my Dad dies. The rest of the year has been a blur.
  • Good: Ditching my human-anchor girlfriend; sitting on the beach at Grand Bend listening to the waves and counting shooting stars pissed to the gills on Rolling Rock; Bruce Cockburn and Neil Young at Live 8; eating at Kong in Paris, with an incredible view of the Seine and assorted trophy waitresses. (Late entry -- Greg Keelor covering 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'.) Bad: The creation of an Untenable Work Situation; rad valve burst and ensuing apartment flood; increasing alcoholism. Achievements: Don Quixote. Rainfall showerhead.
  • Captain, my Captain. I'll go down to the sea in ships at any time, you snozzle sufitch!
  • Good: Cuba - ooh, lovely. Netherlands - lovely. still madly in love with 3 hours away monkey, after 2 years. discovered wonderful music via MoFi cd-swap. sprog saw wisdom of gift goats for all. given heaps of Peter Sellers dvds for Festivus. Bad: still wimpy about starting up editing business. haven't read enough fiction. tricked into eating animal ingredients twice over holidays. not enough running and weights. illicit plant seedlings died. Achievements: registered editing website. taught sprog to drive with standard transmission. learned lots about building websites. painted ghastly pink trim on house blue. refinished lovely old dresser. discovered library's books on cd for 3-hour drive to sweetie's house.