December 24, 2005

Looking for Santa? You can now use Google Earth to track Santa, or, if you are old fashioned, you can still use Norad to track his path.

Happy Holidays!

  • From Analytical Graphics (AGI) of Exton, Pennsylvania: This Christmas marks the ninth year that AGI has assisted the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in its special duty of tracking the fastest vehicle in the world—Santa’s sleigh—on the NORAD Tracks Santa Web site. Man, it was kinda cheesy but ok when NORAD was doing it, but outsourcing the work is just lame.
  • Well, considering how fast he can be, they need all the help they can get.
  • Cool link! My family tracks Santa every year on NORAD. It's pretty fun (I come from a long line of dorks, but I think it's more fun that way.). We'll have to try the new way this year.
  • Uh, hey idiots, Santa's not real.
  • That would explain why Santa would bring poor kids really shitty gifts while he would bring the rich kids the super cool stuff. I always thought that wasn't really fair.
  • Nickdanger, the reason you live in a basement in Austin and your dog sweats cocaine is because you don't believe in Santa!! Loooooooooooozer!
  • Turn to the Dark One and he will bring you a dog that sweats cocaine on Mothramas morning. HAIL SATAN CLAUS!
  • mothra kicks santa claus's aus's.
  • Don't forget that he's makin' a list and checkin' it twice. If he doesn't bring you scoffers anything, you know only you are to blame.
  • NORAD's got that mother's flight path down now. Next year: BOOM!
  • Nice to know we're using public funds to promote a religious holiday.
  • "Don't forget that he's makin' a list and checkin' it twice." Mothra checks his three times. Just sayin'.
  • I managed to track Santa, but the fat fuck managed to gnaw his own leg off and escape the damn trap.