December 22, 2005

Mail Order Husbands. Stuck for last minute Christmas gifts? Don't know what to get for that spinster aunt? Problem solved!
  • I don't see quid.
  • He didn't make the grade.
  • Didn't even make it past 'Steven', who likes candlelight dinners (i.e. dim lighting) and hits of ether? Huh.
  • that story about you and mrs kit is so sweet. my heart melted. at least i think that's what the mess was.
  • Just remember to hang onto your receipt.
  • *shudder* those have GOT to be mug shots.... it takes a lot to creep me out, and I am thoroughly creeped out!!
  • Surely this has got to be a joke...
  • Please tell me this is a joke.
  • I figured it was satire. It's real?
  • Lara, take the compatibility test and see for yourself.
  • They don't look all that bright . . . and you know what that means!
  • mmm big bawlz
  • Ohhh... it's always the bad boys that get the girls going... *sigh*
  • heh heh heh
  • Holy god. I want this to be a joke, but a dark feeling in my gut tells me it ain't. Check out Fuad at the bottom. He's half-price, ladies!
  • I think these guys should have their virginity stories in their profiles...well, maybe not.
  • And I tend to think most of them don't have stories to tell yet...
  • "I noticed the cauliflower from across the room . . . "
  • this is how kitfisto met mrs kitfisto. their story is one of the testimonials (i've been asked not to say which one, he's shy about it).
  • He married a cauliflower?
  • lettuce not be judgmental.
  • oh great another rhubarb starting . . .
  • are you gonna beet it?
  • I am sure the truth will turnip some day...
  • I just don't carrot all.
  • well dont you think its rutabaga [sic!] total stranger to marry you?
  • Hey, I got Stan from Iraq from the compatibility test. Is he carrying a Hammer? Awww... *swoons*
  • Is he saying he already has a bunch of kids, or he wants to make a bunch of kids?
  • From the compatibility quiz:
    Your decisions mostly are based on A: logic and facts B: emotions and personal values (i.e. nonsense)
    Almost as funny as the rest of the site.
  • come on, alnedra, he is by far the best looking guy I have seen on that site so far!
  • Slap down that plastic and reel 'im in, baby!
  • I got Stan (stationed) in Iraq too. He's so dreamy!
  • I got Stan also (just did the test) I smell a rat...
  • Stan is dreamy...
  • OK, admit it kitfisto. This is a self-link and you're Stan and you're trying to get bought by one of the monkey ladies in some sort of polygamy-money-making scheme.
  • psst! They're on to you! quick - talk about buggery and corpses!!
  • Who wants to bugger my corpse?
  • We could split Stan. How many ways does he need to go?
  • hmmmm....well I need more than one man just for my own needs...we'll have to devise some sort of "time-share" program. and start a course of serious vitamins for the poor boy!
  • Um ugh but hey will any of them wash the dishes - like EVER??? Maybe I have a space for them......
  • This site is screamingly funnly; the sad thing is I would post bond for a couple of these pervs. Pure research, as it were.
  • OOps, funnly is an adverb... Merry Christmas!
  • I would just like to point out that Stan is holding a knife, not a hammer. And he wants to stab you with it. Still swooning, Neddy?
  • ppffttt... way to go, Weezel, ruining my illusions of meeting a fellow hammer-holic. Merry Christmas, you (~_^)