December 18, 2005

Purple Frogs exist - A species of purple frog has been found. It was down the back of the sofa the whole time.

It's fuck ugly. This was news in 2003 and I somehow managed to miss it. A search for news of purple frog in MoFi brought no hits. P.S. I'll find my frog.

  • So far, only one example of this new species, a female, has been found and it is not yet clear if anymore exist. So either they just didn't find any more, or they're all gone now. Good thing we found it just in time for it to DIE.
  • DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!!! /spittle
  • Arse-biscuits! My plans for world domination were dependent on my little purple friend remaining undiscovered until the critical moment. That pesky petrachian just cost me a planet!
  • Definitely bastard-ugly x fugly.
  • *stifles laughter*
  • Tell me, purple frog wouldn't you be happier in some bog where you could hop free? Or were you a victim of batrachian abuse? Did ye slide down the sofa's back so no one would notice you're one enormous bruise?
  • He can make a pome out of anything, people.
  • Frog to India - "I'm gonna ride you like a ferry!" India - "Um, OK."
  • Reminds me of Gellett Burgess' piece: I never saw a purple cow, I hope I never see one; but I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see then be one.
  • so did any more ever turn up?
  • A purple frog? A nascent link Fugly beautiful To human's think Of dinosaurs and monsters Triceratops and panthers Ribbity Hop Eureka! Following in the footsteps of bees since 2004!
  • I have a purple frog. He is velvety plush and I got him at Target five years ago. Everyone should have one. He is squooshy and cuddly,
  • plush toys they're aye a collie's first choice -- the eyes go first then nose and smaller appendages such well-gnawed critters can't be repaired with human bandages she shakes the stuffings out of what remains ensuring that it's thoroughly slain we sweep away the fiberfill still clinging to our socks and take our toothsome collie for long walks
  • As long as it's not a butthole frog, I approve.
  • PS Chyren, your drawing is hella good.
  • I thought you were laughing at my badly conjugated latin.
  • Actually I have a thing about drawing frogs, I have done so for years. I had a nice stylised frog that I was going to get as a tatoo, but then I .. didn't. Too lazy.
  • Ok damn slow ferry and the anally retentive ex scientist would like to point ouit that the last species was not found 80 years ago. Here is one from 1987 ..... plugugly
  • aaaaaaagh I still get this wrong
  • What if it isn't new after all? What if it's just a regular old frog, with some sort of freakish microcephaly going on? Doesn't explain the purple thing though.
  • Oh I have to ask - caution live frogs - read the bio but did you ever have anything to do with a brisbane garage band called 'danger mouse and the crunchy frogs'? Sorry Chyren - but I NEED TOO KNOW and well it is a frog post!!!
  • a torn teddy a perforated porcupine the terrierist frolics in fiberfill teddy confetti immediately dumb dog! (or is the owner dumber?)
  • Someone is a fool. Someone buys dog toys for the dog. Then it becomes hard to explain to the dog when the grandchild shows up why his toys aren't hers. The dog has a big green frog right now which she keeps unstuffing. So it has to be restuffed at intervals and sewn back together. The grandchild is still pretty newish. But I anticipate this problem before he turn two-ish.
  • fly wrote: "Oh I have to ask - caution live frogs - read the bio but did you ever have anything to do with a brisbane garage band called 'danger mouse and the crunchy frogs'? Sorry Chyren - but I NEED TOO KNOW and well it is a frog post!!!" Nope, I've never been to Brisbane. If I started a band I would probably have used the name my brother came up with - "Bulletproof Head" - except after Cobain we both figured that any band with that name would end badly.
  • A royal frog is not chartreuse Nor be he tan or blue Purple is the kingly hue For reasons most abstruse
  • I never saw a purple frog; I never hope to see one, But if I buy one for the dog, I'll also purchase me one.
  • D'ye like to snooze in a four-poster bed and repose with a pillow under your head? Do tell me, frog of grape-juice hue would ye care to slide down this armchair, too?