December 18, 2005

War on Christmas Waged by Gang of Drunken Santas Senior Sergeant Matt Rogers said..."it was fairly average behaviour from an organised group of idiots who had had too much to drink"

Farkish, I know- delete at will, but hey, it's a New Zealand story in the international spotlight. and considering that this did happen in New Zealand, I think Tracy owes us all an explanation.

  • Typical bloody Kiwis!!
  • Wasn't me. I avoid Auckland.
  • Best. Christmas. Story. Evar!
  • matt from reckons he was accosted by said santas and that they were abusive and violent.
  • Well art of order, john.
  • ...when out on the town there arose such a clamour of Santas all snockered and ripe for the slammer
  • God bless us, every one!
  • These guys have a good idea, but a bad way of going about it.
  • Sneaking onto a cruise ship would be pretty cool, though.
  • Apparently there was a Press release warning us of this extremely important occasion. It appears the Herald doesn't consider publishing intended riots as 'news'. Thank god I was on an island in the middle of the harbour when all this was going on.
  • But Santa is everywhere! Islands and large amounts of water are no barrier to Saint Nick and his drunken rioting followers! So were they a bunch of students? It sounds like something we'd hear about in Dunedin.
  • "Organised grou of idiots"... we're in serious trouble if the idiots have decided to organize...
  • This was so much cheerier.
  • Santernalia!
  • "snockered" This is a brilliant word. Does it mean "drunk?"
  • Yes. There are a multitude of time-honoured words and phrases for drunk: befuddled, temulent, obfuscated, tipsy, spifflicated, tipple-toppled (for falling-down-drunk) and so on. I alwaya think pie-eyed is one of the more peculiar ones. You might suppose it meant desert-craving, or even an admirer of magpies, but it means drunk. Drunk as a skunk in the month of May. (I've no idea why May is singled out, but I tend to avoid skunks at top speed.)
  • Squiffy.
  • Are ye fu' yet, mate?.
  • Nah.
  • But are you squiffin?
  • We always said "snookered" rather than "snockered." I guess that's when you're too drunk to play snooker...
  • what aboot "bombed, toasted, homered, blotto, ploughed"?
  • Go Santas but hey who can protest now that you are employed from October through to January rather than just a few days in December?? and Squiffy works for me!
  • Image hosted by He's potted the shrimps! He's soused...the herrings. He's pickled the onions, and he smashed the eggs in his cups - under the table...
  • I swear I wasn't seeing double I was neither plastered nor muddled nor addled no no, I was not in my cups I didn't have a drop too much I didn't smell of the cork I wasna soaked nor tanked nor cock-eyed nor rip-roaring drunk though I might have been drunk as a piper or a fiddler ach, the truth is I was a bit fried, but only a wee bittie, mind I think I listed to starboard anyway I was feeling no pain oh, all right, I was fried t' the gills aye, I was lubricated, illuminated, elevated, plain bee-sodden I was three sheets t' the damn wind and my decks were awash I was blind-drunk, overcome, I passed out I was blotto, I was under the table and I willna rise before I'm able
  • *applauds* *pours bees another two fingers of whiskey*
  • Hear hear!
  • The group of 40 men - mostly in their mid-20s and dressed in ill-fitting Santa costumes - began their "Santarchy" shortly after 2pm. First stop was the Victoria St motorway overbridge where they smashed beer bottles and urinated. All right, I want to see a film version called Santarchy coming out of NZ for the Christmas 2006 movies season. All youse kiwi monkeys best get to work on that.