December 16, 2005
Bush Was Going To
Invade Iraq Anyway.
HUME: So, if you had had this — if the weapons had been out of the equation because the intelligence did not conclude that he had them, it was still the right call?
BUSH: Absolutely.
Oh, and for extra blowed-up fun, look into Big Oil participate in planning invasion of Iraq?
So, basically, Bush is going to attack any country or countries he likes (Iraq, Iran, it's all good) and you will pay for it. He won't listen to dissent. He won't plan properly. He'll lie and distort the truth until even his closest advisors get nervous about it. He'll say God told him to do it. Could it get more surreal? Sure. But how . . . Toby Keith? You workin' on a new song there, buddy?
a three day benderwar exercises on brushwood.