December 16, 2005

Shoot Him In The Head! Let's pretend to be a sniper! Woo! Friday gamey fun.

The poster in no way approves of actually shooting people in the head. Unless they're mean to kittens etc. via

  • YOU stink! I shoot YOU in the head! *runs away, sobbing*
  • Heehee! And it's brought to you by CRAZY MONKEY GAMES!!!
  • yuck.
  • Somebody needs a spell-checker: "congradulations," sheesh!
  • Mafia-speak, obv...
  • Reminds me of this old site
  • I keep getting "unacceptable civilian cassualty(sic)". They looked acceptable to me.
  • Jesus on stick, that's horribly satisfying.
  • Jesus on a stick, that's disgusting.
  • ooh that was fun.
  • wtf is up with the "dockside meeting" one?? I got one shot off, hit the target and the alarm goes off??
  • And i swear that I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun No I don't have a gun
  • oh my. as I have always suspected, I make a kick-ass sniper.
  • Dockside - get him on the stairs, private!
  • I must have missed the part where you stab Jesus with a stick. I'm assuming it came somewhere after the "I'm sitting in my room at 4 in the morning shooting poorly drawn stick figures in the head" epiphany.
  • Absolutely terrible. The first chapter is ludricously easy, and the second chapter is arbitrarily difficult. For some reason I couldn't shoot the militia guards while they were in the middle of their "raising radio to head" animation; the best I could hope for was to keep blasting rounds into their melons until the animation was over. If I didn't hit the split second interval before they actually spoke into their radio, I was screwed. The only positive thing the game has going for it is decent blood-splatter-on-walls animation.
  • And it's obvious that the writer's crappy spelling has rubbed off on me. Grr.
  • Hey! Just cos you don't cut the grade at Sniper 1.01, no need to call it terrible. It's the order you blow their heads off... Now just go and wait against the wall over there and I'll show you how it's done... You don't know 'cos you weren't there, man...
  • Skinner's Pigeon, they weren't radios. They were portable energy shields for the head and neck. That's where your problem was.
  • I got through it and didn't see any radios. The basic problem is that there is only one way to solve most of the levels. The one with four guys on it, you had to shot them in a specific order to get past, but I didn't see any reason why that should be. Oh well, it was certianly well worth the money!
  • Maybe, um...the first guy was the oldest brother. And if you didn't shoot him first, he'd find a way to take revenge on you for the deaths of the other three, yeah, and then, the next one was...I got nothin'.
  • Mose's perineum in a taco, I finished it, it's too dam short. Must buy a BBGun and take out an eye from one of the stick-figures leaving the local eating disorder clinic.
  • Moses' perineum in a taco, might have been better. Ah well it's only punctuation.
  • I like to shoot punctuation in the head. FUCK YEAH!
  • I like to play with punctuations' head a little, leave it feeling confused, abused and guiltlessly ashamed. If you must, call it a power trip.
  • Too easy. Now I want to shoot more stick people. If anyone wants me I'll be on a hill overlooking the Dryad refuge with a highpowered rifle.
  • My favorite part of most FPS games is the sniper scope. I loooove the sniper scope. This one was satisfyingly splattery. Pow! I always hated that Bic pen guy, now he's DEAD!
  • Totally sweet. I love Flash violence. Because I can separate fantasy from reality. And if you doubt me, I'LL SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKING HEAD!
  • Uhh . . need another beer? I'll get it! No I got it! *backs away slowly*
  • git me one too, beyotch! /reloads