December 14, 2005
Bush in the Bubble
Newsweek article on the insularity of the Bush White House, comparisons to good other Presidents' styles and a smattering of current scuttlebutt.
Bush may be the most isolated president in modern history, at least since the late-stage Richard Nixon. It's not that he is a socially awkward loner or a paranoid. He can charm and joke like the frat president he was. Still, beneath a hail-fellow manner, Bush has a defensive edge, a don't-tread-on-me prickliness.
Heh. I said "butt" Sometimes I have a grim fascination with the Shrubya psyche - how he got that way, or why he does what he does. This article fed some of that, talking about always being protected by "strong women" such as his mother, his wife, and . . Condi. Bush doesn't talk to Congress at all - barely during photo shoots even. The first paragraphs about the difference in how Rep. Murtha, the Democratic hawk who called for troop removal from Iraq, was treated by Bush I vs. Bush II are quite a comparison.
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