December 12, 2005

Black Ink Monday "Black Ink Monday, a non-violent protest by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC), is a response to the Tribune Company's recent elimination of editorial cartooning positions at several of its newspapers, as well as a commentary on newspapers everywhere who have lost sight of the value of having a staff editorial cartoonist."
  • Every page of every section would have a cartoon / comic on it if I had my way. The motivation is that cartoonists are too expensive? Yeah, those fat-cat cartoonists are just complacent now that they've got the 29 bedroom mansion and the golden rocket car.
  • Clay Bennett was featured on an NPR story recently about this. As usual, his piece stands out as simply beautiful.
  • Well, I looked at almost all the cartoons there, and I have to say that political cartoonist are much less able to take on their own disaster than they are at skewereing political figures and the like. Too, bad, really.
  • Interesting post, thank you.