December 12, 2005

"Ice is Nature's way of saying 'get involved'." Last Saturday, at the Rheostatics' 5th annual Winter Nationals at the Horseshoe, some clips were played from funnyguys Truthhorse, whom I had never seen. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the company, but we all seemed to love the videos of people getting hurt.

Some bits like 'Dry Humpers Canada' may be a bit regional in their humour. Highly recommended is 'Sled TV', if only because you know what's coming, and it's all that much funnier when it does.

  • Best FPP of 2005!
  • I thought so.
  • And the winner of the MonkeyFilter best Koko of 2005 iiiisss . . . *rrriipp* . . . path!! *awards music plays*
  • I'd thank my mother, but all she does is complain that I spend too much time on the computer.
  • Dammit I never win best Koko! These awards are rigged!
  • Yeah yeah yeah. Start making with the comments on the funnies, people.
  • What, we've already mentioned Koko like three times. She's "funny", if y'know how I mean . . .