December 11, 2005

Richard Pryor, 1940-2005 One of the fathers of contemporary comedy is gone.
  • Alas. RIP, Mudbone. I don't care what anyone says -- I liked Moving.
  • I don't care what anyone says -- I liked Moving. I did too! He'll be missed. RIP. :-(
  • Moving was my first introduction to Pryor, followed by Superman 3. Things escalated from there.
  • Long expected but still a damn bummer and shame. Dammit. . .
  • Noooooo
  • Goodbye, funny guy.
  • .
  • M.S. is a horrible disease, even if it did not kill him.
  • Oh no :(
  • Damn.
  • He fought 'til the end. God bless him, and I wish him peace. He was funny as hell.
  • . thanks for your best mr. pryor. RIP
  • .
  • I watched Live on the Sunset Stip last night and laughted until I almost pee'd. Thank you Mr.Pryor. Rest in Peace.
  • Our loss. His death dilutes comedy further. Richard Pryor, thanks for the laughs.
  • I liked Moving too. .
  • .
  • Wasn't that long ago he had a retrospective on The Comedy Network entitled "I Ain't Dead Yet!" I guess they'll have to change the title of that for the re-run. Drag. (and yet Andrew Dice Clay still roams the scorch'd earth...)
  • Oh, damn.
  • My Dad was a big fan, but I never "got" him. I can't deny he had a huge (and positive) impact on modern comedy. Best wishes to his family.
  • Richard Pryor stated for the record that he was against stem cell research. In fact, he said that if someone doing stem cell research came up with a cure for MS he wouldn't take it, he'd rather die than live because of stem cells. I have to say I disagree with him in every way about the research, but I have a lot of respect for a guy who could say that, knowing what he faced from the disease. Sad to see him go. He was a damn funny guy.
  • I find it exceedingly weird that (as far as I can tell) nobody has posted this to MeFi yet. Do they simply not care, or is Mr. Pryor's death just not making the news? Either way it's sad.
  • Lights match. Blows it out. "What's this?"
  • Glad he made it this long. Thanks for the ride, Pryor. You will be missed.
  • This is the one to watch. Way better than the Sunset Strip concert. I always do that " . . .snake!" thing. Here's further Rich: Pryor Convictions, his autobiography, A Pryor love, a profile in the New Yorker by Hilton Als, in the compilation "Life stories" (ISBN 0375503552), and two or theee concert videos. Also "... and it's deep, too!" a bunch of concert CDs from Rhino.
  • Earwax, I just craughed at that.