December 08, 2005
What is the purpose of the internets?
A delightful exigesis on the true purpose of the intarwebs.[NSFW][embedded video with singing]
Sorry this is a one-link post, but I was having trouble finding additional links to support the premise expressed in the video. Maybe someone could help me out with this? hahahahahaha....
Quotes from Avenue Q, maybe.
The song is certainly "The Internet is for Porn" by Avenue Q seeming badly dubbed onto some strange Hentai. The Internet is for theft more like ;)
Internet without pr0n eh . . . Internet without pr0n . . . well . . umm . . . I guess it'd be like scientific research papers and . . online . . banking? . . umm . . Aaaaaannnnd . . . oh! Electronics shopping. Y'know like computers and st- Okay, no I can't see it. Definitely about the pr0n. Usenet statistics, anyone?
Oh and double-plus bonus points for "exigesis"
exegesis. I knew that.
mmmm bonus points! what do I win?
It's a secret. But here's a hint: it can be found on the Internets.
So, is it right that the whole plural "internets" thing comes from a speech Dubya made? Up until recently I'd just thought it was an amazingly annoying fad, but it takes on a whole new meaning if it's actually, like, really cool political satire, or something.
Yeah, "internets" was in one of the Dubya-Kerry debates. And besides, porn has been on the forefront of every major technological advance, from the oldest human sculptures to Civil War vets carrying nudie pics to the internets.
You are correct sir! /Ed_McMahon
And besides, porn has been on the forefront of every major technological advance I'd say _media_ technology, definitely. Supposedly the first daguerrotype was a woman and a donkey. Y'know.
Indeed. Media technology. I don't think there was much porn related to the compass or the steel ship hull, though there seems a fetish for everything.
particle accelerators are pretty sexy.
Why, of course! Just look at the very first image ever on the web! That's pr0n, righ? Right?
The End of Pr0n? = end of the Internets??
I'd like to hope that even if nothing else will rouse this (USA) nation of lardball sloths, the threat of their pr0n removal will cause citizens to rise up (heh) in a mighty revolt against oppressive anti-porn tyrants!
Hello? Mary Magdalene? One second please. Jeeeesuuuuuuus! PhoOone!