December 08, 2005

Sinterklaasfood The feast of Sinterklaas is relatively well-known by know. (that blue site recently had their annual Zwarte Piet-hooplah). One small part of that tradition is the getting of chocolate letters, usually the first letter of your firstname.

Here's how to make a chocolate letter yourself. And this(Dutch) is a nice collection of ads and packaging. Other typical Sinterklaasfoods are pepernoten, marsipan(just an image) and Taai Taai.

  • That's a nice tradition. Chocolate is always welcome!
  • 'Smaakt lekker, hoor!
  • Very interesting. My mom worked at a candy shop when I was in grade school. They sold chocolate letters there, too, but they weren't specifically a Christmas thing. This was in NJ, and not an area with a particularly Dutch heritage, but who knows.