December 06, 2005
Curious George
Fellow simians. I tried to search the monkeyfilter for a nice link I saw a while back. The link I woz wanting was to do with searching for US citizens and returning their addresses (useful for this time of year for sending Xmas cards!) Anyway cutting a long story short, putting all sorts of search terms for this, plus searching for my own (meager) posts revelaed NOTHING! All ideas welcome!!!
Thats *revealed* not revelaed. oops.
The stalker's friend?
There are quite a few websites to do that with, switchboard is one I use as long as they haven't moved recently.
switchboard Bahhhh i fudged that
Oh yeah, search is fixed. Well, it's back to how it was, which isn't fixed exactly because it's still pretty crap.
I use Not perfect, but it meets my small needs.
Having Search back is OK, but I'm still ecstatic over being able to access Archives again!