December 04, 2005

I'll trade you one Bible for three Jenna Jamesons.
  • "I don't know one believer that would take his Bible and turn it in for pornography.” He's summed it up pretty neatly there, hasn't he?
  • This will obviously inspire some minister somewhere to do a porn for bible swap. At that point, I will take ny bible to the atheist, get some porn, read/watch said porn, bring it to the minister for a bible, bring the bible to the atheist to get new porn. Repeat. Lather. Rinse.
  • I certainly don't know any pornhounds who would turn in their smut for a bible!
  • /livewire runs to get bible out of his closet
  • bernockle wins.
  • Damn. I'm there!
  • I used to rent a lot of porn to one particular minister at the video store where I worked in college.
  • I like to play the game where I masturbate and just when I am about to orgasm I open the bible to a random page and shoot my load in it. I then shut the book for 12 minutes, reopen it, and pull the pages back apart. I then study and worship the remaining text that has not been smeared out. It is like the bible code, only more true.
  • So, you read the Bible like Zorro?
  • I like to play the game where I masturbate and just when I am about to orgasm I open the bible to a random page and shoot my load in it. That only works when you get it out of the public library.
  • Hey! These pages are all stuck together!
  • Wait, hold on. Bernockle is talking about human semen? Something is not. right.
  • I am not just talking about it, I am in a present state of production.
  • I hate evangelical atheists.
  • You know, they could cut out the middle man with just two simple words: BIBLE PORN. Seriously, there's plenty of material in the OT. Check it out. Start with Lot and his daughters for added kink. You wouldn't be able to keep it on the shelves! Seriously, someone has to have tried this before.
  • This could be the storyline our local porn producer has been waiting for! Monkeys Assemble!
  • "It's just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the bible," he said. Especially their skin...
  • Its better when people trade money for porn, and it has more of a religious impact considering what most people worship.