December 03, 2005

Can quantum physics explain the paranormal? Short answer: No.
  • Once it's explained it stops being paranormal. There is no explaining physicists, though.
  • Mmm hogwash.
  • Thank you, 'Wingo. Your short answer saved me reading the article--which I wouldn't have done anyway, but, whatever. Now: LET THE AMUSING COMMENTS BEGIN! well done, Bees!
  • I couldn't bring myself to do more than skim that site, but the guy isn't a physisict. He knows something about computers and thinks he has some marketing expertise. That doesn't seem like a solid basis for a post.
  • Smells like newage, reads like snoring, tastes like pain.
  • feels like the cold uncertain touch of a ghost, running its nebulous fingers across my neck....
  • Okay, I started writing a very long post discussing the many fallacies in this link but I stopped when I realized how silly I was being. This post is beyond reproach in that it seems to be beyond anything what could call coherent thought. I mean, sure the author made complete sentences and some of them even avoid including a fallacy or a phrase that is completely undefined, but they fail to create a single meaningful argument for.. anything, really. Yeah, "not even wrong" is nicely applicable here. Wash your brain out with the work of people who know what they are talking about. Shameless self-link to a website I maintain. It's really nifty and on topic, though On a related note: Quantum physics killed my alien wombat baby and you are all witnesses!
  • Consciousness is nonlocal.
  • I have it on good authority that the Bible cannot explain quantum physics, either.
  • A cat both dead and alive at once is paranormal. Duh.
  • So abstraction is paranormal?
  • Consciousness is nonlocal. Wait, I just lost consciousness a second ago. Now that I've regained it, I'd like to give you 22 grams of immeasurable semantic bullshit.
  • Okay, I started writing a very long post discussing the many fallacies in this link but I stopped when I realized how silly I was being.... I wouldn't have mind hearing what you had to say about it... Yeah, "not even wrong" is nicely applicable here. Wash your brain out with the work of people who know what they are talking about. Shameless self-link to a website I maintain. Links to physics website? Great I'll check it out. *clicks on link* "...The people in the U.S. military and CIA have a pretty hard job and they face tough enemies. It is impossible to do their job with the naive attitude of the sissy liberals" Hey, the quantum physics? Wha happen?????
  • Physicists probe the paranormal . (Not anally). Interesting to find out that Brian Josephson, Nobel prize winning inventor of the Josephson Junction is now immersing himself in some controversially edgy research.
  • Josephson junctions, first postulated by B. D. Josephson and first made by John Rowell and Philip Anderson, are quantum-mechanical circuit elements of superconducting devices. They are most commonly used in SQUIDs and Rapid Single Flux Quantum integrated circuits. *widens eyes* *slowly backs out of thread*
  • LOL. Talking about a good Christmas gift. I for one would love to stuff someone's stocking with a Rapid Single Flux Quantum Integrated Circuit.
  • If that's not a euphamism for something, I don't know what is...
  • ha!
  • You can't say anything these days!
  • I work for a company that uses equations from quantum mechanics in neural networks to do neat things! That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, just more crazy complicated stuff. You don't want any technical description of that, either. Nor could I really give it to you if you wanted it. Though I don't think it really works euphemistically anyway, since it's equations...
  • As for my own personal wishlist, I'm not fussy...but something that correlates my photons would be nice.
  • *widens eyes* *slowly backs out of thread* Funny...that was my exact rection to this thread.