December 02, 2005

How do you tell a live Republican from a dead one? You can't, dead or alive they vote the same! Joe Dante brings us more Zombies in "Homecoming", and "W" ain't gonna like the theme of this one!

Schedule your Tivo to record this one, it looks interesting.

  • Hmmm, I hope this comes out on DVD. I would like to see it but don't have cable.
  • Those bursting coffins... what an image. It's not so much that 'nobody has said anything these 4 years' as they say in the article, more like those saying it have gone aphonic...
  • Curious if troops who see this will like this film or not. Also, I'm guessing the praise from lefties who watch this film would be about proportional to the amount of vitriol they'd have for a rightwing filmmaker who used troop imagery to cast the war in a positive light. I haven't seen this, but based on the wholly unbiased review of it in the VV, I'd like to, if for nothing else than to see just Joe Dante's name up in some movie credits. The man's been mostly in absentia since 1998.
  • Also, I'm guessing the praise from lefties who watch this film would be about proportional to the amount of vitriol they'd have for a rightwing filmmaker who used troop imagery to cast the war in a positive light.
    aside from tilting at some imagined "lefty" windmills, this comment is meaningless. to say "x is proportional to y" expresses a relationship based upon a fixed ratio. thus, the praise (=100) you describe could be proportional to any amount of vitriol (=1). i think the appropriate term in this case would be "equivalent".
  • Actually, I had it all wrong (as did some of the articles I read)...turns out those zombies wanted those nasty republicans OUT of office... Watched it this morning....actually some funny bits in there once you stop taking it as a serious horror flick...
  • For some reason, I've always thought of zombies as fiscally conservative, but liberal on social issues...
  • Hmm, I see "fiscally conservative" and "not caring about regulating the market because all they want is to eat your braaaaains" as two different political philosophies. I'd have to agree on the liberal stance on social issues though.
  • They have to be fiscally conservative because all the money they have is the pennies on their eyes.
  • I don't think they'd be socially liberal. That would entail supporting better healthcare, drug addiction treatment, better wages, all of which would reduce mortality among the poor and dwindle their numbers. On the other hand, I guess healthier braaaains is tastier braaaains, so maybe it works.
  • Good point TenaciousP, but at the same time, you have to be pretty accepting of "alternative lifestyles" to support the devouring of humans and the lovely grey goo inside their skulls. Of course, most zombies just follow the shambling horde, so perhaps they haven't given much thought to the issues.
  • Zombies are often lobbyists for the telecom industry.
  • Hey, he kind of looks like Martin Landau, but different.
  • Hey, Martin Landau was in a lot of Westerns, often playing Hispanic roles. Does that make him kinda LIKE ZORRO?!?