November 26, 2005

The Australian Wave! Why Australians have an inate understanding of 'The Principle of Wave-Particle Duality' ..
  • remind me to stay in the land of the horsefly and 'skeeter. eeeeeeeee...haaaaw!
  • I'm kinda scratching my head over the duality thing. I visited a farm in Australia once, and there was a little boy there who said "I don't loik floies", whereupon his dad told him he was shit out of luck as he lived in Australia. Well, it was funny at the time anyway.
  • Fly (particle) and wave (of hand) duality .. Very feeble jest! Apologies! (cringing)
  • Normally called the Australian salute.
  • They have been bothering me for a couple of days, it's warming up here. I have the uncanny Jedi-like ability to bash them with the hand as I do the Great Australian Salute. I don't have to see them, I can sense where they are. They hate that; once you hit them they fuck right off, it freaks them out. But then there's always another one to replace 'em.
  • Precisely Chyren. As one who has visited such places as Pannawonica and Parabadoo, (don't ask! groans) one rapidly became expert at the Australian Salute. (aka: 'wave') Your comment; .. "once you hit them they fuck right off, it freaks them out. But then there's always another one to replace 'em." .. It's quantum!
  • My mother has this amazing ability to catch flies with the vacuum cleaner. I try to follow in her footsteps, but fail.
  • I spoke to a yachtie the other day who said they knew they were close to Australia because the flies met them about 50nm out from the coast!
  • 50 nanometers from the coast? How on earth did they measure it?
  • And at that distance, couldn't they sort of tell they were close?
  • um no sorry nautical miles not nanometres abbreviations get confused when you mix up physics with the sea!!!I tried nM but thought that would create even more confusion - sorry oh and a tip don't ever brush them off your back - you will only end up with them on your face!!!!!!
  • catch flies with the vacuum cleaner That's brilliant!