November 23, 2005

X Marks The Asshat with a Circle and A Dot CNN Subliminal Programming Tells it like it is.
  • Paging Dr. Freud. Too awesome!
  • Before this conversation gets going, let's all just admit that this is possibly the stupidest thing anybody ever chose to get worked up about and is proof-positive that the political discourse in this country has become the province of morons and deserves to be utterly ignored. Have a nice day.
  • Agreed! Now off to the RACES!!! T00T T00T Sorry about that Mr. Ex-Vice-President sir, won't happen again! You're absolutely right about the discourse, it's completely off course, which is why I must have a sense of humor about these things. One could go crazy taking it to seriously, or wait!! Maybe it's already happened!#@$@#$@#$@#$@
  • I'll admit to no such thing, briank! If that is your real name. It's all a conspiracy.
  • oh good, let's post links to every network computer glitch, newspaper typo, newsman stutter and slip of the tongue... AND...let's pretend it really matters... Good lord, the asshole cheney does enough evil without having to look for this kind of junk...
  • So what if people get worked up about it. Their bored and have no lives. I hadn't heard about it so, thanks, Rev. C.M. That's hilarious!!
  • It is irrelevant, but it's appropriate to point out what a big deal that fat tub of racid, fetid lard will make out of it. They'll have CNN fined by the FCC for something, because that is their style, or lack thereof. Poor republican numb-numbs, eat it up like the bunch paint-huffing, glue-sniffing, useless as teats on a bull, incontinent, flatulent, droopy assed, pissants they are. So sad
  • uh, is there a pic of this anywhere?
  • oh, never mind, I see it in the video clip box on the left margin... need more coffee
  • "droopy-assed"?? I'll have you know that my ass is as smooth and sleek as the exquisitely sinewed buttcheeks of an otter! Nay, like those of a veritable Casanova of otterdom! *huffs paint, then draws an X over R. CM's name on computer monitor*
  • *pinch*
  • tee hee! Stop that, you devil!
  • [This is lame]
  • [where did the talking in brackets thing start]
  • [I've never actually understood it]
  • perhaps [this] indicates sotto voce...?
  • [are you talking to me?]
  • [great, another buttinski]
  • [*pinch*]
  • [*giggle* Quit it!]
  • [I would have thought parenthesis or small would do that] [besides, it's only used for "this is ____"] [this is a derail]
  • Those were the crosshairs of my gunsight. Unfortunately the fucker moved. My apologies.
  • I used brackets to differentiate a comment about the post itself from one about the link or the resulting discussion. It may or may not conform to any de facto standards of comment posting borrowed from Metafilter or elsewhere. As an explanation, I don't like when threads here resemble threads at LGF viewed from the other side. Carry on.
  • Advocate torture, get the X.
  • BFD. It seems more and more that MonkeyFilter has become BangOnMyCountry'sCurrentLeadershipFilter. Let me take care of the next 50 of these types of FPP's. Bush is dumb, Cheney is evil, Rice is a lapdog... feel free to add the ones I forgot. Frankly, I tire of them. PS. Chris Whitley is dead and I am sadder for it.
  • Come on Rocket, this is awesome! Dont you remember when all the wacky photo caption contests and hilarious JibJab cartoons won us the election- and then President Kerry gave everyone on the internet the medal of honor??
  • grover- you forgot "I am from Europe/Australia and would like to take this opportunity to be insufferable about Bush, despite my country's leadership's enthusiastic support for everything he does"
  • oh and "i will point out a negative phenomenon or behavior that is typical of everyone on Earth and append 'American' (or better yet, 'USAian')to the front of it to make myself appear smart and enlightened"
  • Besides, what does it matter when kids in Africa are starving? You people, wasting your precious breath discussing something somewhat related to something that's been talked about before while kids are starving! For shame!
  • ...besides, there are legitimate reasons to criticize the administration and its supporters. Like this, for instance.
  • Not that's a scary link
  • You know what? I don't like his iPod. So there. Also? The President? Not so much with the dancing.
  • I find myself again in concurrence with rocket88.
  • I know. Let's just have one "Bush is Dumb" thread, one "Cheney is evil" thread, and one "Rice is a lapdog" thread and put everything related there. Yeah. It did work pretty well for Chy's Plame Leak Case thread. We could do it. Yeah? Yeah? WHO'S WITH ME?!
  • Me.
  • It is irrelevant, but it's appropriate to point out what a big deal that fat tub of racid, fetid lard will make out of it. Yeah, I noticed he had "no comment". God why can't he just shut up about it already? It was a technical glitch, you SOB-of-a-VP. Also, need I point out that Cheney probably talks with his mouth full and only looks one way before crossing the street?
  • In Cheney's defense, many of the streets in DC are, in fact, one-way streets. *Paypal User "Fes": accept incoming electronic payment from "RNC Slush Fund - Monkeyfilter Propaganda Division"? ACCEPT Thank you for using Paypal!*
  • I'm all for a dedicated "Bush is Dumb" thread. I mean, who does that Kate Bush bitch think she is?!! Leading us into war with LIES, sending our boys and girls off to DIE!!! Creative juices dried up there, Katie? No new album material? Well, why NOT try NATION BUILDING and WORLD DOMINATION for a little change of pace? (I, too, am growing weary of the political crap. Doesn't do much good, it seems.)
  • On the other hand, there are very few places anywhere where you can have a political discussion without it getting really, really, really ugly. One of the reasons I joined here, after a long time of lurking, was how impressed I was that you guys could talk about anything, and it almost never turned into a flameout. (Don't get me wrong, the occasional flameout is fun!) Just saying, if I'm going to discuss politics anywhere, it's more likely to be here than anywhere else.
  • As an explanation, I don't like when threads here resemble threads at LGF viewed from the other side. I'm OK with being the 'other side' of racist, pro torture neo-fascism.
  • The worse it gets the less you want to hear about it. It's the duty of free man and women everywhere to speak out against tyranny. Be silent and be enslaved. * This message sponsored and funded by *
  • One of the reasons I joined here, after a long time of lurking, was how impressed I was that you guys could talk about anything, and it almost never turned into a flameout. Yes, well, that's just the kind of IMBECILIC STUPIDITY I've come to expect from you NOOBS, who clearly enjoy being ANALLY PENETRATED by PRESIDENT BUSH, just like HITLER used to like it. Frankly, you make me SICK!!1 *passes out*
  • you forgot "I am from Europe/Australia and would like to take this opportunity to be insufferable about Bush, despite my country's leadership's enthusiastic support for everything he does" I am from Europe/Australia and I can only assume that if our domestic and foreign policy affected your country as much as yours affects ours, you'd have some thoughts to share about it as well. But then, we Australians have always been insufferable when it comes to the bush.
  • This would only have been good if a) the glitch was intentional and b) the network said "there's nothing you or your chimp brethren can do about it" and floated away in their massive broadcasting airship of DOOM
  • Actually, I get a kick out of going back and forth between extreme liberal and conservative boards. Both sides grab onto an issue like one-eyed junkyard dogs. The rhetoric and invective against the "other side" is breathtaking. There's no compromise, no considered debate; just immediate snarling, snapping and ripping of flesh when a shaky voice of reason dares to suggest an idea that diverges from the prevailing ethos. And the trolls!! Great entertainment. It's like two people shouting at each other in different languages.
  • It's like two people shouting at each other in different languages And in the meantime the burgler continues to rob the house.
  • Whilst simultaneously ass-raping both of their mothers. With a crankshaft out of a GM Bravada.
  • I had no idea things were that dire on the internets.
  • Teh internets are serious business!!111 Why I was brutalized just yesterday by a keyboardist typing out of his Mom's basement in Kansas.
  • That's not true. Mom says the basement is "My own personal space". sheesh
  • during Martha's thanksgiving tips, the bottom of the screen ads said "Face eating Tumor" which i found damnably amusing.
  • I saw the show (Learning Channel, I think) about the face-eating tumor on a baby (in India/Pakistan, as I recall?). It was clearly a bitch to remove, which is very instructive as regards proper turkey-carving technique. So, oddly appropriate in Martha's world.
  • Please forgive us for paying attention to the leaders of the free world.
  • You are forgiven. It's an easy mistake, we all make it at some point or another. Just go back to mindless consumption and it will all work itself out.
  • Monkeyfilter: like one-eyed junkyard dogs
  • Baddest man in the whole damn town.
  • We should all pay attention to the leaders of the free world, wherever we find them. Just look for toilet paper stuck to the shoes.
  • Or the presence of notes asking if they do, indeed, need to go to the bathroom.
  • It's actually a fascinating time in politics. The "system" -- the U.S. system, in any case -- of journalism exposing the truth about power, and of policy being set via vigorous debate, seems to be working (to some degree), again, after several years of super-mega-sleepy-time dormancy. You don't want to talk politics, you skip the thread, okay?