November 20, 2005

Indescribably Horrible! 'Bloodrock' is a must-see and 'Electriclarryland' leaves one bereft of speech!
  • Bereft of speech doesn't begin to cover it with some of those. Wow, I thought it couldn't get worse than page four, but then................ it did.
  • You know, I didn't think it could get worse than "Zip Zap Rap" by "Devastatin' Dave (The Turntable Slave)", from this similar list, but now I see I may have to revisit the dark, unholy terror of truly horrible album cover art...
  • Pitchfork? Jesus, my eyes are bleeding reading that prolix fucking blurb more than lookin' at the pictures.
  • hey, whats wrong with terrapin station?
  • Goddam hippie.
  • *Kicks copy of Electriclarryland under couch*
  • let's see... Video killed the Radio Star...CDs killed the Record Cover...Digital distribution further distances music from art.... What has replaced the old vinyl record cover? T-shirts? Web sites? Maybe nothing... I must say I hate the daggy cartoon covers. Doodles on napkins rarely look cool. (oh and cheers Pitchfork for spitting on usability by having light grey text on a white background in tiny font size - I skimmed over the text myself)
  • "daggy" - you'll have to explain that one to the Yanks. Wait.. no, don't.
  • Good Lord. The Scorpion's "Virgin Killer" (p.9) ... what were they thinking?!?
  • Possibly they were thinking controversial tacky cover art photo attracts attention. Attracting attention = album sales. I say let's seize their computers and see if they are doing a Gary Glitter or not. Daggy = uncool (in the general sense)
  • Jesus, what a fucking scumbag. I hope they cook him.
  • Glitter may face firing squad. Happy now?
  • What was that Clapton album cover with the prepubescent naked girl holding the jet plane? I would think the Scorpions were trying to one-up that one. Also Led Zep had the naked kids scrambling over the giants causeway, but Zep can do no wrong.
  • As far as Gary Glitter goes: good.
  • Blind Faith.
  • Oh, yeah, that's right. Didn't Derek & the Dominoes have a naughty pic as well? /chybrain scans stepfather's vinyl stack nnnoo I don't think so. Keep thinking it was Layla but that had that painting on it. Hmmm. Well, the Blind Faith album is the one that I was seeing in my head. Always hated Blind Faith and always hated Clapton (yes, I admit it, what a heretic) so perhaps thats why I mixed them up.
  • Oh, of course, clapton was IN Blind Faith. Fucking idiot.
  • /slinks away
  • Who wants ginger snaps?!
  • I do! Y'know, I had hoped I'd never see that Royal Trux cover again, but there it is (page 9). So much for my lunch.
  • Given Glitter's efforts in persuing this particular vice--he deserves it, totally and completely.
  • Also, I have never been a Clapton fan, either. In fact, the only part of Cream I liked was Jack Bruce.
  • Wow, it's the happy death penalty thread!