November 20, 2005

Richard Stallman wears tinfoil hat - gets in Trouble with UN Security. Bruce Perens has blogged about RMS appearing at the UN World Summit on the information society, and protesting privacy issues over the RFID by wearing a tinfoil hat.

Unfortunately Perens blogs the old fashioned way, and there appears to be nothing like a 'permanent link' for this entry, so for the record it's the Friday November 18 note, and it will probably be lost in time like tears in rain once off his home page.

  • The trouble with tinfoil hats is that they are so tricky to co-ordinate with your wardrobe.
  • However frivolous comments aside: what did he really expect from an institution such as the U.N.? Open source is still a dicey issue with many large organizations. As for privacy issues - I'm not sure about the rest of the world but here in Japan this topic has been the Flavour of the Month - and most are not sure what to do about it. The diffusion of issues takes a long time within an organization.