November 16, 2005 Koopa the Turtle is unofficially the world's first internationally collected, professional turtle artist.
  • Do you suppose the turtle rescue people are dipping Koopa in cadmiums?
  • I'll stick my neck out and say Koopa must come out of his shell if he wants to transcend the merely sub-Pollockian action style. Lettuce hope he succeeds, for his cause is just. I have flipper comments if this is insufficiently off-hand.
  • I'm sending a plague of Marios and Luigis to kidnap him.
  • Didn't he used to be Surgeon General?
  • That makes me quite angry. For some reason. I think it's the insult to both the art world and turtles, all combined into some exploitative and obscene money making scheme. Leave the hard-shelled fucker alone! *storms off to freezing garret to contemplate the futility of all human endeavour and creativity*
  • I don't understand how they get his feces to change colors like that.
  • From the FAQ: They might pull into their shells when afraid, get paint into their eyes, nose or mouth, or prolapse in the paint. Now that's just gross.