November 13, 2005

tonights dinner

where do monkies go for a hamburger that fills you up?

  • >:-O
  • That's me doing my imitation of Donald Sutherland in the remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". That's such a great movie!
  • Do you mean The Puppet Masters?
  • I don't eat fucking hamburgers.
  • What the mall was that about?!!
  • Sorry, no help here. Gave up red meat in all but pepperoni sometime back in late twentieth century. The few times I tried a burger over the past 7 years the reaction has always been the same: meh. Tastes ok, but I can't remember what all the shoutin's about. So I just skip 'em now. I do fondly remember though just how damn GOOD a burger tasted when the craving used to hit. Mmm!
  • where do monkies go for a hamburger that fills you up? Well, that's a good question. I suppose they leave the monestary and go down to Starving Jock's for a quarter-pound of red hot beef, just like the rest of us. Just because they love Jesus and have a vow of silence doesn't mean they don't wanna chow down on some flame-grilled cow. Really, the prejudice inherent in your question is the most disgusting abhorrent abomination I have ever heard, and I hope you get banned and then fall on a sharp stick and are impaled and bleed to death slowly while you scream horribly and scare surrounding children until you die, die, die.
  • This is essentially a "Curious George" right? Let me tell you about Tookies Hamburgers: You've never heard of them, chances are you'll never go there, but you need to understand, somewhere deep inside you must live with the incontrevertible *fact* that Tookies makes the universes bestBestBEST hamburger, and nothing else you eat in your pitiful, pallid existence will everEverEVER approach the perfection of the Tookies Squealer, wherein the burger is mixed with ground bacon and marinated in a sauce secret and holy on the night of the crimson eclipse until flavor transcendence is achieved and just one touch on the tongue will send you howling into the depths of your childhood memories of happiness gone by and my friend, this, THIS is the burger Jesus would have eaten at the Last Supper if only he'd have been fortunate enough to live out his divine days in Seabrook Texas, late 20th century...
  • This is essentially a "Curious George" right? No.
  • Well, maybe I'm asking the wrong person here, but dammit quid, what the fuck does it mean?
  • Big Mouth Burgers on 24th and Valencia. Mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm.
  • Do you mean The Puppet Masters? No, I mean Invasion of the Body Snatchers. ... unless you were making some sort of funny, in which case, ha-ha-ha, I get it!
  • No, Koko, you don't. /sigh
  • *ding!* My microwave johnnycakes are ready!
  • Koko, Mssr. Sutherland remade essentailly the same movie twice. I wonder if he ever got deja vu?
  • Monsignor Sutherland? I thought he looked Catholic!!
  • Sometimes "Curious, George" is a euphemism for "I need my own blog".
  • My own homemade burgers, specially seasoned, barbecued to medium (e.coli be damned).
  • You're supposed to cook burgers? I thought it was like sushi? I can't wait to get out of the hospital and cook one!
  • Corner Bistro in NYC - The key is the broiler instead of the flat grill. Also the bacon is cooked in a deep fryer. And for god's sake don't order it well done!
  • Looks like The Puppet Masters is just a cheap rip-off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Damn those Hollywood hacks!!
  • I find the Hot Bite in Auke Bay serves a tasty burger. I agree with the barbecue to medium. A burger should not be springy. I left overcooked food behind when I moved outta the house! Now I prefer it a shy less raw than steak tartare.
  • I'd like cheese more if it weren't for the rennet. Pittee rennet's e'en in camembert.
  • This is essentially a "Curious George" right? No. Yeah, it's more of an "Epicurious George".
  • Fucking Fuddruckers, or Ruddfuckers, or whatever they're called, is fucking awesome (though, being in New Mexico, the last time I was there, I had some sort of green chili guacamole chicken thing).
  • Dick's on Broadway.
  • Shampoo should mean fake poo. If there were any logic to words, which at present there isn't. It's quite possible to regard eating a Hamburger as an act of cannibalism. Doing so might give you champagne, though.
  • Dick's is the place where the Swass hang out...
  • Oddly enough, the hamburgers in the dining hall here are rather good...and they're small, not Whitecastle small, but small. Haven't found a decent burger place in town, but then that might require spending more than $5... On the other hand, Paradise Burritos on Church St. in Burlington is amazing. And cheap.
  • dirigibleman, you just crossed the line. You and me is going to step outside the 'filter for ten minutes, and when we come back in you're going to understand a little something about fuddrucker's place in the hamburger hierarchy...
  • There was a place in Ada, Ohio called "The Regal Beagle" (there really was/probably is) that served a three-quarter pound or a pound burger. I don't remember which. It was like eating an entire meatloaf on a bun. It was not good. It would, however, fill you up.
  • hee hee, bees. Monkeys, raise your glasses: "Champagne for real friends! Real pain for sham friends!" Oh yeah, hamburgers? So far, I have discovered only two places in London where the hamburgers are good: the Arkansas CafĂ© in Spitalfields Market and the Gourmet Burger Kitchen, admittedly a chain but still good beef, ground right and made to high standards-- a rarity in this country. Everywhere else I'll just have a veggieburger.
  • Hamburgers are to nutrition what socks are to MoFi. Nuff said.
  • Me likes them veggie burgers. yyyyup. To the Duke of Sandwich! *clink!*
  • I would gladly pay you tomorrow for a veggie burger today.
  • I'm curious why vegetarians eat veggie burgers. Why not just eat the vegetables? Why go to the trouble of making it look like meat?
  • well, it's not really vegetables so much as grains or a soy/grain mixture type. The resulting taste sensation is similar to what your people call "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion, on a sesame seed bun." Only without the factory farming, lakes of urine, antibiotic, corn-fed, cruelty thing goin' on there. Free range cows don't go to the burgerhaus, y'know. Did you know turducken can now be stuffed inside a pig?
  • Has squidranch deserted us? Seems like a perfect opportunitity to update us on Irv's.
  • Eating veggie burgers is like making your boyfriend stuff his genitalia between his closed legs and then eating out his "pussy."
  • You know, bernockle, I've noticed that.
  • I suppose you were about to make that joke, too?
  • /thrills at bernockle's proximity.
  • 'Cause it's the burger "experience" without the meat bit that we don't like. Heck, if you put enough stuff on it, you don't even need the veggie burger!
  • I'm curious why vegetarians eat veggie burgers. Why not just eat the vegetables? Why go to the trouble of making it look like meat? Veggie burgers often taste similar to fleshburgers, and many vegetarians were once meateaters, and many more associate with carnivores. It's a matter of "when in Rome" without the nastiness. It's protein, not broccoli!
  • Ach, we'll eat it if it just holds still! -- we're starved for protein, alweays in search of those eight or nine amino acids (or whatever the damn things are) which the human body can't make on its own and therefore has to import. Last night I ate my toothbrush. Then, realizing plastic is probably not very nutritious, I ate the cotton wool wads out of several bottles in the bathroom cabinet. And I'm a better fuller man for it!
  • I think we now know what happened to Chyren's socks.
  • And it's Nickdanger at the wire!!
  • Nick, those were actually Nostrildamus' socks -- back in days of yore/a>, and prior to his more recent incarnation as Teh Sputtle-lord.
  • Maladiction! it ate my so abysmally mistyped link! Here.
  • Ah yes. Pre-regeneration. So, do we refer to them as two different people? Or is there a term we can use for both incarnations? And how many regens does he have left, anyway?
  • We refer to them separately as the Nostrilo Ab Initio and Chyrenus Post Sputtulia, or collectively as "little green freak".
  • We have a monkey entity (I am being a restrained bee and not calling This Collective a trinity) among us with three different manisfestations: petebest, petebest2, and pete_best. And it is clear to me that a Nostrildamus + Chy meld can only bee explained as a bright and shining Spock in our midst.